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Everything posted by Ihu919

  1. She done good with the extra ten fuel tanks (good lord is it that many?) I could mess around with it a bit, but the main engines are almost overheating on launch.. i was worried so i did not push them near 100%... i tried this time and they worked fairly well that way (moar thrust). Rocket was super close to blowing up, but hey..... Go Big Or Go Home. I can hit around 2900 m/s when I get the nuclear drive pushing. As of note, I have the sound off for a good reason Here is the plucky little flying skyscraper if anyone wishes to experience the thrill of launching your own city block into space! Normal and Wobbly parts. ENJOY! If you decide to try this.... know that I believe stage 4/3 is a bit complicated. 4 fires retro-thrusters and 3 detaches the fuel tanks. Be quick so you can fire up the stage 2 rockets without blowing the while ship up
  2. I just tacked on a third level of lower fuel tanks, and she still got up. Waiting on the final speed count, about to hit the extended fuel on the nuclear drive.
  3. I done made me another rocket ship. I decided to make the most ineffective and illogical ship design I could come up with since the new struts came out. Here be the Monster. So far I've gotten a top speed of 8673 m/s. I'll post this monster up if someone wishes to partake in the beast.
  4. Oh yes.... I screen capped and while saving the jpeg I heard... CRASH BOOM! ha
  5. So, I'm new to KSP. I've toyed around with it every day or so since the Kotaku article 'launched'. I made, what I think is an impressively dangerous rocket with stock parts! Here it is! She goes pretty quick once she is moving. Max thrust all the way up... some very convoluted stage separations... and from experience, do not let it sit on the launchpad for more then ten seconds... it tends to fall over and kill everyone in a rather impressive fireball. (I don't make rockets... I MAKE WEAPON!) There also tends to be a bit of an explosion around 5000 meters.. not sure why.. but it doesn't stop the rocket. It is about six (necessary) stages I believe... the first two stages are meaningless (I never sorted it out that far). She tops out at around 4100 m/s about 8 minutes into flight. And yes that is 18 solid boosters that fire in the primary launch stage. Which is why it needs tons of SAS. I don't believe a mortal could actually control that thing..... Enjoy!
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