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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Agh thanks, I just updated the Interstellar Mod and have never encountered that before.
  2. Saw this from orbit while preparing for an FTL mission to Jool Any ideas?
  3. Have you considered developing some sort of Warp computer to either calculate and aid and perform warp flights, or at least help the user calculate the jump trajectory and time. Manual calculations are fun but it seems that future spacecraft capable of FTL travel would contain something along those lines. Also keep up the good work, this mod helped get me back into KSP and I absolutely adore it.
  4. If this comes in the standard form of a parts pack how many parts are going to be in the pack?
  5. Do you have an estimated release date, I have been waiting ages for someone to develop Serenity for KSP as I do not have the skills or time to construct one myself.
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