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Everything posted by Sava

  1. Hi I've been playing ksp for a while now and I've wanted to create some mods although I have no source for inspiration. I lots have modding experience and I've been using 3ds max and photoshop for over 2 years now. If anybody needs a modeler/texturer for their mod project I'd be happy to help.
  2. Since you're just starting modeling I wouldn't worry about normal maps too much because they are non-essential to make and ksp has a bug related to normal maps anyways. As simple as I can put it if you're into physics a "normal vector" is a line perpendicular to a surface. What a normal map does is trick the computer into thinking that the normals of a model are more complex then they really are making the lighting react differently then if it did not have a normal map. If you're completely new to computer graphics i wouldn't worry about this at all as you pick this stuff up as you go.
  3. Having the exact same issue though this is probably something wrong with the ksp shaders so hopefully this will be fixed.
  4. Textures show up in unity and there are no spaces in the folder name Edit: Never mind guys thanks for the help, I figured out the problem I was making this part for the cart mod and my anchors had no material applied to them. I replaced them with blank game objects. The .mbm files now write.
  5. Hi I've looked over the forums now and I've seen this problem before and no current solution seem to work for me. I've made a part in 3ds max and exported it to unity. The textures are 512^2 (diffuse with alpha and normal map) and the shader is a ksp bumped specular shader. In the part tool script both copy/convert textures check boxes are ticked and one of my meshes has a mesh collier. When I hit write only a .mu file gets created and no mbm file. Whats going on here?
  6. I'm still having the no mbm files problem. My texture files are 1024^2 pngs but I set them up to be compressed to 512^2. I'm using the bumped specular shader.
  7. I have the same problem and I've done everything like you said.
  8. Okay my last guess at the problem is the engine is mip mapping the texture. In case you don't know what that is the engine pretty much creates versions of your textures with lower resolutions. when you are far away from the object it will switch to a lower resolution mip map to save ram. Try maxing out your game and playing around with the settings in the settings.cfg file.
  9. After you import a texture in unity if you click it some options should appear in the inspector tab. There are option for reducing resolution and changing compression. If you do change the compression look at for the file size because "true color" and "16 bit" compression options make the file size large. http://grab.by/fRAE
  10. Hi I'm new on the forums and I have a cool concept of a wheel bay that would be a part of the rocket. It would be better than landing gear because you can steer it. I finished the model and the animations but I have no idea on how to implement it using unity.
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