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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I'm almost at duna ... the nuke engine helps ALOT, really once in space you can get all the way out of the solar system on 2 fuel tanks!!! so for me its easy... but it took around 10 test rockets to get the perfect one for orbiting then landing then taking off extra. I'm going to the green one in the same mission! I think just for an orbit though, gas is not very stable to land on... but im got to get one of my kerbals to fly into that thing!!!! > its going to be bill!
  2. Kerbin - Mun - Minmus - Mun - Orbit Kerbin - Orbit mun - Orbit Minmus - Interplanetary Orbit - Safe Landing On Kerbin, true story. It took my friend and me forever to make the ship! But we wanted to see how far we could go, we had about 2 and a half tanks of fuel left so we could have landed on all the moon's twice and still got back safe.
  3. i noticed that the devs as kermans look like playable kermans, NOW I love the idea of making my very own kerman that I can kill. In my opinion i think that thats most likely going to be in a far, far, far later patch... But they realy did look like playalbe characters so mabe its sooner than we think! but whats your guys take on this? http://kerbaldevteam.tumblr.com/post/30483723151/the-crew
  4. I thhink every one has to say builder becuase if you are the best pilot with the worst ship, your not going anywhere. But if your a builder and the worst pilot, you always have sas...
  5. I hope that the ksp devs make it so we can actually do what they did in there cew photo ( the one with the devs). or at least have different faces as in hair and glasses you know the usual stuff, THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!
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