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Nutbag Deluxe

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Posts posted by Nutbag Deluxe

  1. There was a plan to re-export all stock parts and IVA spaces in the game using the far-smaller compressed TGA format back around .18 or .19, but I don't know what happened to it. I think a statistic mike quoted when he ran an attempt was that the game's overall filesize was reduced by 2/3rds.

    Wouldn't that be a great way to further optimize the game, or are there serious drawbacks to that method?

  2. Saying you can't have it flip you back over is one thing, but after that, it's just inflicting pointless tedium.

    That 'pointless tedium' is 50% of the game. But let's not turn this in a Mechjeb debate. The OP was quite clear with the rules: no Mechjeb. Why do you people still feel the need to argue with that rule? Make your own challenge is you disagree, but stop arguing here.

  3. A great mod. I suggest however, to use 'cargo' as a resource instead of ores you have to mine. I believe the Orbital Construction mod does something similar. If you want to build a rocket consiting of an orange tank, a mainsail, a decoupler, a capsule, and a parachute, you'll have to fly those parts to your colony. 'Disassembled' perhaps, in a special container. A container can carry a set amount of weight. You can only use the parts that are in stock in your extra-planetary launchpad to build a ship.

    Could give it a more interesting angle and give you an actual reason to make regular restocking flights.

  4. So basically you're saying that it's okay if KSP becomes a bug-ridden, unplayable mess because the devs don't fix bugs anymore? People paid for the game.

    I have no problem with some harmless bugs, it's an alpha after all. But there's a testing team, we can expect from the devs that they at least tackle game-breaking bugs like these.

  5. I agree. An opt-in for testing seems the best.

    Besides that, the game being an alpha is not an excuse for game-breaking bugs. If the game was free, and there weren't dedicated testing teams, I would've understood it if I encountered game-breaking bugs.

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