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Everything posted by cesarparent

  1. Yup, the CCB, sorry for the typo. Well, I must have made a mistake. Thought it was like the soyuz, plain orange everywhere, but ice-coated at the liftoff. Looks better half silver anyway, so that's perfect
  2. Stunning models ! way better than mines btw ^^ Is the real cab painted white on the top second half ? Thought it was only the ice forming around the LOX tank…
  3. No problem ^^ I highly doubt my models are better than anyone else's
  4. I started modelling the Atlas V 400 a few days ago, but I probably won't have time to go the whole way to Unity and Ksp. I can send them to you if you want (Sketchup files, or Dae). Anyway, interesting project
  5. Nice project ! I had a try at modelling the Antares a month ago, but I don't have the time, nor the knowledge to finish it. I could send you my sketch up files, however, if it can be of any use Anyway, keep on the good work !
  6. Well, it's only a quick attempt at doing the 3D parts, in case you were doing only the spacecrafts I probably won't have time to make it a full-fledged add-on, but if I can be of any help, I'm here !
  7. Yup, that's what I used in the end, I based the design on the core diameter and used a drawing (from the A-ONE fact sheet) to get a scale:
  8. I could have a try at making the 3D files of the launcher, but I am not at all experienced in texturing, neither tweaking config files. Maybe if someone wants to do those parts, then I could just do the 3D. [edit] does anybody knows where I can find good blueprints/drawings/plans of the launcher, or at least measurements ? Can't seem to find some on google.
  9. Thanks ! I just discovered this website and it's indeed a very nice tool ! Do you get any crew in the dragon when using it in 0.17 ? I can't manage to have it working properly, the files aren't modified, but it keeps loading as an unmanned pod.
  10. Very nice mod, it got me to Duna without a hitch (atop of a laucher, didn't tried the "minimalistic" way !). However, the capsule seems to be seen as unmanned by KSP on my computer. Is it because I'm running 0.17 ?
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