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Everything posted by creederTh

  1. UPDATE: I have uploaded a newer version of the craft- the forward engines were causing the tail to overheat and explode during steep dives, this has now been fixed
  2. By all means! I'd love to see how other players can use my craft.
  3. I present to you, my VTOL-capable replica of the RAF's BAE Harrier. Very stable and easy to fly as a regular aircraft and in VTOL mode. Action Groups: 1. Toggle forward-thrust engines 2. Toggle VTOL engine 3. Toggle flaps/airbrakes 4. Toggle ladder Download here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/w1at5z9l3k8x67u/BAE%20HARRIER.craft?dl=0 Enjoy!
  4. My first aircraft replica, enjoy! Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ibn57plydhawbg0/English%20Electric%20Lightning.craft?dl=0
  5. Yep, it's got a cargo bay that you can put satellites and other things in. However, the maximum payload mass is quite low (about 2 tonnes) but that's big enough for me
  6. Thought I'd show you this, just to prove that a stock Buran is possible (albeit a bit seat-of-the-pants to fly)
  7. You can change the staging of your ships in-flight (the same way you would in the VAB). Alternatively, you could activate the engine by right-clicking.
  8. I think you mean *Koca Cola , it's the kerbals' favourite soft drink!
  9. This is my 100% stock version of the Buran shuttle (The only difference being that it has 5 engines on the launch stage instead of 4). It has 4 liquid-fueled detachable boosters on the ascent stage, and the shuttle has a jet engine to increase the re-entry and landing range. Recommended for experienced players only. Download the .craft file: http://www./download/e2ccnfd28005jx2/Buran_Orbiter.craft UPDATE: I changed the stabilization rockets around, so the staging makes more sense and is easier to control. Action Groups: 1,2,3,4- fires stabilization rockets 7- toggles the maneuvering rockets on the shuttle 8- toggles the jet engine (use if you are short of the runway) 9- delpoys the parachute (use as a drogue to slow yourself) 0- cuts parachute Ascent instructions: Close landing gear, activate ASAS and disable fuel flow for the Mk3 to Mk2 adapter. Full throttle, lift off! (the sound will be buggy; too many rockets) Keep an eye on the pitch indicator, when it stays at the bottom, or if the shuttle begin to pitch back, press 1 to activate the stabilization rocket. Press 2 to activate the next rocket before it pitches back again. If you have heavy cargo, you will need to activate the 3rd set of stabilization rockets (3) Once the boosters run out, detach immediately and deactivate any stabilization rockets that are active. Begin gravity turn. As you slowly pitch back, use the stabilization rockets to keep the rocket on course. Once the main ascent stage has run out, detach the launcher and use RCS to push yourself away. Activate the next stage and complete your orbit. Re-entry Instructions (these will differ depending on orbital altitude): Start your de-orbit burn here: Get the trajectory to look like this: Have fun , and if you could leave feedback it would be appreciated.
  10. New Update! Engines have been adjusted and more fuel has been added to the external tank, so the shuttle can carry heavier payloads. The shuttle is also capable of visiting the Mun (after a quick fill-up of the fuel tanks)...
  11. Following the commercialization of the space program, Koca Cola, the wealthiest soft drinks company on Kerbin have unveiled their first space ship- the Kola Shuttle. This space shuttle features a fully-functioning cargo bay, as well as a docking port on the nose and behind the cockpit. Download Link: http://www./download/of5xx30mpc0wcna/Kola_Shuttle_II.craft Despite what you can see on the video, it is possible to land, but be warned, if you pull up too hard it will flip backwards and (probably) crash. Controls: 1,2,3,4- Control the stabilization thrusters on the external tank, use them whenever the shuttle starts to pitch back. 7- deploy parachute, use to slow yourself if you are going to overshoot the runway. 8- cut parachute, it is advised to use before the prarachute fully deploys 9- toggles main take-off engines (this must be used once the external tank is disconnected) 0- toggles the docking port on the nose Side Notes: -Subassembly loader is recommended when putting cargo into the cargo bay -Cut off fuel flow for the Mk3 to Mk2 adapter before launch -When burning the 2 shuttle engines in space, the shuttle will pitch up or down, depending on fuel levels/cargo -Aim for a steep entry angle on the runway to retain airspeed Re-entry Instructions (will vary depending on orbital altitude): Start burning retrograde here... ...Until your trajectory looks like this
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