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Everything posted by RoboRay

  1. If you prefer to talk at people rather than to them, that's your choice.
  2. Right, you follow the needles... you don't move them. The crosshairs are where you are now, while the needles (or orientation circle) are where you want to be.
  3. Insulting people who's opinions differ from your own is not a very effective way to bring them around to your point of view. In any case, while Revert Flight makes sense in a sandbox game, I don't think it has a place in Career Mode.
  4. Well, it's not just a lander... it's so big because it's the whole craft. It's an SSTO inspired by the DC-X Delta Clipper that if refueled in LKO can transfer to and land on Duna, return to Kerbin and make a powered landing back at KSC.
  5. The window scale is for setting pitch relative to the horizon during reentry, if I remember correctly, but it does come in handy for other things.
  6. There is a Mk3 Fuselage Expansion Pack on the Spaceport which includes a Mk3 to 2.5m adapter.
  7. I've only thought about it a couple of times, but this was one of them... Don't slip, little dude!
  8. My manned vehicles almost always have abort options.
  9. When I launch to rendezvous with a craft that's already in orbit, I time my launch so that I arrive at apoapsis after the other craft has already gone by. I do not circularize my orbit at that point, either, but raise my periapsis to about 60km so that there's going to be no significant air drag if I do dip back down into the atmosphere as part of the rendezvous. Remember that a lower orbit is a quicker orbit, so I'll be overtaking the target as long as my Ap is near his circular orbit and my Pe is lower than it. Next, while still near Ap and with the target craft Targeted, I start a slow prograde burn to ease my Pe upwards while watching the target's Closest Point of Approach markers on the Map. This allows me to stop the circularization burn whenever my Pe is at the right height so that my quicker, lower orbit will bring me close to the target next time around (within 1km is ideal). I then allow my craft to fall back down toward Pe. If an inclination change is required for plane-matching, it can be made while passing the Ascending or Descending Nodes during this elliptical orbit. One orbit later, as I rise back to Ap, I will encounter the other craft and my NavBall will switch to Target mode. At the closest point of approach, a short burn along the retrograde axis (which is relative to the target's velocity now, in Target mode) will match our orbits and complete the rendezvous. Deliberately launching "late" so that you know the target is going to be ahead of you, instead of trying to nail it perfectly and possibly finding yourself ahead of the target, can result in some fuel savings since you never have to raise your Ap above the target's orbit. All it costs you is the time to make one additional orbit en route to the target.
  10. There have been some past comments that kerbals might eventually possess (and improve over time) skills that will let you assign certain tasks to them. Perhaps there will be a Navigation skill that concerns how accurately they can perform a maneuver you planned. Bill might get the maneuver to within 0.1m/sec of the goal, for example, while Bob can only get to within 2m/sec. So, you'd let Bill handle the transfer burns. But Bob might be better at Piloting, so he can make gentler landings, or land closer to your desired touch-down point. And you don't have to download KSP again if a plugin has problems... just delete that plugin from the Gamedata folder.
  11. Not everyone uses the default controls. I use a joystick, but other people might be using different keys.
  12. I did a winged Gemini with your pod a while back, but don't think I kept any pictures of it.
  13. My main concern is simply ensuring that the parts remain available and are actively maintained for future compatability. If that's as part of another parts pack, and L2K concurs, that would be fine with me. I would also be happy to keep the Spacejunk Bay available separately on Spaceport, too, but I'm not certain that would be necessary or even desirable (somebody will inevitably end up with duplicate or near-duplicate parts). If the improved cargo bays do appear in another parts pack, I will update the Spaceport page to reference that mod for future development. I'm undecided on whether or not it would be best to apply those same art changes to the original parts as a final update, though.
  14. Hey, wow! I go away for a couple of days and magic happens. That looks really nice, Sirkut! I would love to update the version on Spaceport with your improvements. Based on previous posts, I don't think Legal2k would object. It looks like the example in the video is scaled a little differently than the sizes in the current release but, as long as the model proportions are the same, variants that don't break current .craft files should be easy to scale.
  15. Well, it's modeled after the Launch Control building at KSC. Mission Control in Houston is a fairly nondescript box.
  16. Yeah, there's really no way to give specific answers without pictures of the craft.
  17. As long as it's not debris, which will eventually be automatically purged. To be safe, install a probe pod on anything you want to be permanent. With that, it will never ever go away unless you destroy it from the Tracking Station.
  18. I frequently assign Damned/Infernal Robotics actions to those keys.
  19. The Case for Mars. "Mars Direct" is the name for the mission plan proposed to NASA. Zubrin's books are excellent reading for people interested in detailed examinations of realistic, feasible, cost-effective and even productive space activities.
  20. User-definable in a config file would be best. That way, you mitigate compatibility issues with future mods. As Gavin noted ; and ' are convenient for many common keyboard layouts, and KSP doesn't use them by default.
  21. OMG, I'm doing a Ferris wheel! We can put together a whole traveling karnival!
  22. Yeah... putting the game on Steam is huge from a visibility standpoint, especially when it gets showcased as part of a Steam sale or other promotion. Look at Valve's cut of the purchase price as advertisement and distribution (bandwidth) expenses. There's no doubt that Squad has come out ahead, overall, by putting KSP on Steam.
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