Comrades! Members of the Central Design Bureau! I am greatly pleased to present to you the Cherenkov II! Named after the man who described Cherenkov radiation, it is absolutely guaranteed to take three foo- *cough*, BRAVE kerbonauts to Duna and back, often in one piece too! After being placed into high-kerbal-orbit by the ascent stage, The Cherenkov uses five nuclear engines and eight fuel tanks to transfer to Duna and break into orbit, four standard thrust vectoring rockets along with four parachutes to land, the same four rockets for re-ascent and three fuel tanks and one nuclear engine for the return trip. On the way to orbit: Re-orientation after main-stage separation: Five engines burning during trans-dunar-insertion: And our safe arrival! Now, remember to switch off fuel flow to the remaining nuclear engine during landing and to switch it back while on the return to Kerbin. Also, landing on Duna is a bit quirky: one must make sure to break enough so that the craft is not torn to pieces when the cuhtes deploy (happens frequently) while at the same time conserving enough fuel to make it out of Duna's meager atmosphere again! If done correctly, the lander's center of both thrust and drag have been deliberately placed towards the rear of the craft which allows it to auto-stabilize itself during landing. Also worth noting is that the four extra nuclear engines could be removed for a reduction of weight. However, this would extend the required burn to around 15 minutes in order to catch up with Duna! I'm planning to modify this vessel to make it suitable for missions to Eve; I'll probably end up attaching more rockets to it to clear Eve's thicker atmosphere and gravity well. I'd also love it if people likes the design enough to make their own modifications! ...about the Cherenkov I... We do not talk about it. The craft - 412 parts in 13 stages, all stock 0.17 - Updated, new B-version!