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Everything posted by Bobbin

  1. Did reinstall the game and the issue was fixed. Edit: the mod works too now.
  2. I too have the same bug, I tried to install the new official asteroid mod and saw this in the VAB: Here is the log file too: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/107855887/VAB%20Bug.rar There were no difference in uninstalling the mod, did try creating a new save and same result
  3. No not really any idea Maybe we have a combination of hardware/software/drivers that conflict somehow with Unity/KSP regarding network adapters. I mean we can't seriously be the only ones that have multiple network/internet connections out of all KSP players out there?
  4. I tried blocking KSP with the firewall and still same results as not blocking it. The only way yet to solve this is disconnecting and/or disabling all but one network connection. EDIT: Just to test I had my phone connected via USB cable but only data access to storage and stuff, no internet sharing, and KSP worked well. Only when I share the internet connection from the phone, KSP slows down loading times.
  5. Today my cable internet got reconnected and the loading bug is no more and the game loads fast, about 11 - 13 seconds. So the issue must have to do with network adapters maybe? Since I had the cable from the cable internet still plugged into my computer when I used the 4G connection. Also I don't have Hamachi or any other VPN program installed. Here are 2 logs anyways: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/107855887/KSP%20Cable%20internet%20online.rar https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/107855887/KSP%20Cable%20internet%20online%202.rar
  6. I tried this and it took 102 seconds to load, no where near the 10 seconds when offline
  7. Ok, I think i have some useful information this time, in the last post, the fast loading happened when my network went down, the 22 min when I was online. So I did some testing and disconnected my internet and BAM the game loaded in 10 - 12 seconds, then I reconnected the internet and loading took 1.5 minutes. Went offline again and 10 seconds flat loading the game. So the issue must be network related. I use my Samsung phone via USB cable as modem with 4G 100Mbit as my connection now as my standard cable internet is down for the moment. Will test again when my cable comes online sometime next week I think. Here are 4 logs: Offline: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/107855887/ksp%2010s%20offline.rar Offline: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/107855887/ksp%2012s%20offline.rar Online: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/107855887/ksp%20online%201.5%20min.rar Offline: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/107855887/ksp%20offline%20second%2010s.rar Hope this will help this time
  8. Today the game loaded quickly as it should, only 36 seconds. Here is the log files: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/107855887/ksp%20fast%20load.rar I also have Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (free version) installed but not running. EDIT: and a few minutes later I tried loading up the game again only to find that it took 22 mins , here is the log for that also: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/107855887/22%20min%20ksp%20loading.rar
  9. I just did a clean boot of windows so here is the log for that: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/107855887/ksp%20clean%20boot.rar Just to compare I did a regular normal boot after with similar results: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/107855887/ksp%20normal%20boot.rar I start ksp from steam library by clicking the "play" button. I have F-Secure Internet Security 2015 antivirus and normal windows firewall. EDIT: Tried to launch from the desktop shortcut, here is the log: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/107855887/ksp%20desktop%20shortcut.rar
  10. I post my logs here: this log is from loading about 3 minutes https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/107855887/3%20min%20loading%20ksp%20logs.rar and this log is from loading about 12 minutes https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/107855887/12%20min%20loading%20ksp%20logs.rar Hope this helps
  11. I have the same issue, and sometimes the loading takes like half an hour, while sometimes the game loads in under half a minute. Nothing other than Chrome loaded so pretty much idle load. System specs: Windows 7 64bit, i7 980X hexacore @ 4 GHz, 12 GB ram, dual GTX 580 in SLI, dual SSD Intel X25 G2 160GB in Raid0 with about 500MB/s read/write.
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