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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. These are good points too, and I can only hope squad actually reads through this.
  2. You make a good point, very few bugs which is GREAT but at the same times you says full new parts. I've been around since 2012, and the stock parts that come with the game have changed very little in the past two years. By far the largest update they've ever released wasss .24 or .22 if I'm correct? It's the one where they had a live steam and we kept asking Squad to release it and so they did a couple of hours early. That was probably the best upgrade they've released with the biggest changes and additions to the game. And thathat was before KSP really started to take off. I honestly don't even think my expectations are unreasonably high at this point. They also announced during that live stream a year or two ago that they'd add Volumetric clouds to the game, guess what? It wasn't, instead modders were the ones that went and released it. Like I'm saying if they need funding to expand their staff then they should release DLC or get a Kickstarter to get things moving again.
  3. You make very valid points, and I acknowledge that I am making some what brash judgments, but I feel as if squad could be much more transparent in what they plan on releasing. I've got to the blog a few times and I can't ever really find any solid information. But, to answer your question the game in question is Space Engineers.
  4. What a lovely response, you know it's true and instead you've already devolved to something like that. I'm clearly not the only one that feels this way about the game, I mean I loved the game and it was a lot of fun but dear lord. I can already name one game off the top of my head that's being updated daily and it's definitely not a AAA title or anything of the sort. -snip-
  5. As the title says squad needs to get it together. This game has been out for WELL over a year and progress is incredibly slow, I remember staying up all day waiting for the space stations update to be released because everyone was so stoked about it. We haven't even gotten to 1.00 we're still at .25 and what did we get from waiting for so long? Contracts that don't make sense, a COUPLE of new parts, and a destructible space center? I mean, I understand that this stuff takes a long time but it's gotten to the point that I've not regretted purchasing the game before it even became very popular. If what you guys need is funding then you guys should be more transparent about what's going on with the game/company and start releasing dlc. Also it seems as if you've guys have off loaded like 80% of the games production to people developing mods which to be quite frank is horrible. A lot of the mods need like 5 other mods to work, then those mods need mods. It seems as if I want to put a mod here, I've got to spend an hour downloading, reading the read me's, and doing what it said only to have issues pop up. All in all everything seems to be a mess right now and I think there needs to be a change of things. Just my 2 cents on it.
  6. So I installed some mods, onto KSP which ended up causing boot issues for me, because the way mods are distributed is kind of ridiculous. But anyways, I deleted my KSP from Steam and deleted the folder in the Steam/Common folder. Whenever I try to re install it's only downloading 902MB's, and the game is missing most if not all of the stock parts. I don't know what to do at this point and it's getting sort of a ridiculous, also if anyone is wondering, yes I turned off Steam Cloud.
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