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Everything posted by Donald

  1. This is how I feel. I wish this mod was maintained casue I'd love to fly the venturestar/blackfish
  2. Wondering the same thing. Seems no one else is maintaining a linear aerospike mod either.
  3. This would be very useful- please update!!
  4. Great mod. The most functional of the microshuttles. Glad you're making it. Been playing with it. Things I want! Needs gear (forward gear being a skid would be cool) Would be nice to have a shielded docking post on the service module or shuttle (not just a spot) More than one kerbal please integrated parachute for emergencies/water or, flaps/spoilers like dreamcatcher lights It has a good amount of drag for reentry but it's more challenging to land. Than again, without gear it's hard to tell It's also useless with FAR. Had to reinstall to use.
  5. Yeah it's kind of hard to get this one to altitude, especially in RSS/Kerbin 10x scale. Looking forward to update!!
  6. Thanks! Yeah every once in a while I will re-install to play vanilla. You can get burnt out on mods
  7. Just wanted to share. Built with MK3 extension, procedural wings, vectored engines (for earospike) and of course infernal robotics and mechjeb
  8. Vector engines is a great mod. I made this Wish I had also used some of the other, mk3 mods
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