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Black Wyvern

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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Here's mine. Was more of a 'How many parts can you lob into space without killing your game' challenge with a few friends of mine.
  2. Working arwing, with some creative liberties.. Second go at it, first one was massive, but had less parts to play with back then.
  3. Not everyone'll find a crane awesome. But I was quite happy with the results. XD
  4. Does anyone know if the creator of this is still around somewhere? If not, does anyone happen to remember the licence it was released under? I'm quite fond of this one, and I just spent a good two hours rebuilding the configs and fire structures to be compatible with .20 and reducing the mod's consumption by 25%. If at all possible, I'd like to be able to push it back out to everyone else who wants it as well.
  5. I don't have issues with the actual engine attach nodes, it's the node that attaches the housing to the rocket/ship. Moved it back to -2 and it now places from the mounting bracket correctly.
  6. Well, compensating for the language differences, what I've gotten out of this is: Replace MODEL { model = z_case/mount2 } with MODEL { model = z_case/Parts/Aero/mount2 } And create the appropriate file structure otherwise, the mod will indeed, not function. Sorry OP, but it's your version of KSP. Either out of date, or there's some difference between our localized versions. It wouldn't work until I did this. â–º One CAN use multiple configs in a single folder. As long as the model data is assigned properly, there's no problem. B9 and several other mods use similar setups with no issues. category = Aero Is the reason these appear in the Aero tab. If you want them somewhere else, then be sure to change the assigned category. The center of selection on the mounts needs to be moved back so it's actually at the mounting bracket, and not the very top of the engine housing. This makes them harder to place than it needs to be. ... That all being said. These models do look quite awesome, and I'd love to see an entire ship set based on the style. EDIT: I made alternate configs for mounts 2 and 3 so they can hold an LLL nuclear engine. !
  7. B9, LLL, and The Pegasus X2. Mostly. No one's made a scale arwing yet, so, had to use bigger parts. .... Not that I'm complaining. X3
  8. The Pegasus parts are quite awesome, however, I've noticed one bug with them. The left stock wing segment, once attached, cannot be unattached without discarding the parent connecting part. Atleast for me, I cannot select it in any way shape or form. The right wing selects just fine though. =S
  9. I'm using a combination of the Kosmos and MMI panels. Modded the Kosmos panels to be Powertech/MuMech compatible, so, not only do they auto-focus on the sun correctly, they actually provide power to the MMI Ion engines and batteries. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/13692 http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/6680
  10. And this is why there's a near-endless supply of cake in the KSC break room. To celebrate those catastrophic failures where in the end, science inevitably, gets done.
  11. So I was playing around with the warp-docking clamps.. When physics broke. Everything exploded, decoupled, and then my small command pod is now moving at 22,490,473,368.1m/s. Seeing as the speed of light is 299,792,458m/s.. I figure I'm going just slightly over 75 times that.
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