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Everything posted by Rockcoole

  1. This reminds me of a NASA Picture book that adored when I was three.
  2. Vladimir Lenin battled Adam Smith with donkeys to decide who would be Americas next top model. This would inspire the historical documentary Battle Royale.
  3. People who claim horoscopes and the zodiac are fact based methods of decision making. You're going to face challenges every day, get used to it.
  4. False. I already told you this. The user below me has more then five tabs opened at once.
  5. 9/10 We just talked about this.
  6. Today's a lovely 57 below Freezing with a nice warm blizzard
  7. True. The user below me spends there time building rockets.
  8. True. The user below me know what song I am listening to.
  9. False. Victoria II. The user below me is not me.
  10. Banned because I am from Antarctica.
  11. Banned for ever thinking you were a king. This is the only king. (besides the English ones)
  12. Banned because I spilled my coffee.
  13. Let's see. Edit: It seems not.
  14. Yes... The user below me has played Assassin's creed.
  15. SNIPED! *grumble*..... The user below me was sniped.
  16. False. The user below me has been to Japan.
  17. Depends. The user below me is bugged by Fox News. Like any normal human.
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