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Everything posted by Rockcoole

  1. *plugs rage097 into charger then punches redwolfy* Don't sell people for far more then there worth.
  2. Side effects are fun to those who are watching.
  3. Wait is War Thunder on Steam or Something? People are confessing me.*holds head in frustration* I crashed my IL 2 into a boat and got a kill. I'm dead but still.
  4. You poor person. Allergic to chocolate. WE MUST FINDZ E CURE!
  5. The picture was taken on earth. I think near Poland.
  6. I plan on adding a larger solar array soon. The mini where temerary. The Blue thing is a small service craft. The Blue comand pod comes from here:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/24677-%280-20-x%29-Wayland-Corp-Development-and-released-download-Thread?highlight=space+1999
  7. Go foward the power of adorableness! I will go do other things now.
  8. This is gona hurt. (I know this isn't tsar bomba)
  9. Banned for not liking your avatar. Which doesn't exist.*cough*
  10. Don't send us to TvTropes. We'll be traped for hours! Hey another artical.
  11. I think that will break in five sec-*Can Brusts open sending everyone to the ground*
  12. Yes. That means since you grow a little every day you stop growing around 25. Good job you're now imortal.
  13. *Steals Rage097 from LeonG17* No! I will sell him before you can!
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