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Everything posted by Rockcoole

  1. Well there goes the town... I would lose my face if I went outside to eat a pizzia. Forstbites Killer, literally.
  2. 25 hours without internet or computer... Sounds terrible. As for the sleep matter see this http://xkcd.com/320/
  3. Banned for never watching Hetalia
  4. Computer. Bla bla bla bla....
  5. You seem to fallen out of the sky. Are you alright?
  6. I may help out. Don't take my word for it, I am still mostly clueless on what this even does. But it looks intresting.
  7. What is this "Iridium"? I don't know what you have been talking about.
  8. 8/10 I have seen you places.
  9. "Does that mean... Being hunted down by Chobit is fun? I don't find it fun. I get nightmares..."-ROFLCopter64bit
  10. Not banned because. HOW DARE YOU DARTHVADER!
  11. Banned because I wasn't talking to you. Well I am now... Shut Up!
  12. Banned for mocking a fellow eccentric.
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