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  1. Is there an alternate download for tingle's pack? I've looked EVERYWHERE and I can't get it! Looks so good!
  2. Am I seriously the only one getting these bugs?! Mechjeb completely breaks the VAB. You con't launch rockets. At least in the patch you can launch them, albeit mechjeb does jack to stabilize them. .21 IS the latest version, right? What am I missing?! And yes, this is completely vanilla other then mechjeb. EDIT: Also you can't save or quicksave, you never "Launch", the clock is broken, and it doesn't display your craft right in the map view.
  3. If this is on a jet you can just minimal thrust to taxi about. You know, like IRL.
  4. Doesn't work. There's a tiny red question mark button instead of the mc button there allegedly is. And there's no default package. When I added NTspaceprogram and selected it, it wouldn't load. I used the google drive download because the mediafire download did not work.
  5. I figured newer posts were deleted in the april fuss.
  6. I've broken the record by 4m/s, after a dozen launches. For the longest time I was 3-4m/s behind the record. This is a fairly basic rocket, I just tweaked some setting in mechjeb after testing one percent at a time. As you can see I start with 4672m/s ÃŽâ€v: Then, FINALLY, I end up with 144m/s ÃŽâ€v after orbit circularization. I hit disengage after I met the 5km wiggle room criteria: 4672-144=4528 Yes, these are two different launches, but they are with the same rocket. Does this count? I can always relaunch.
  7. I definitely want to see Russel's Teapot. And I get all of them too.
  8. Sure: When I hit 'share your idea': And the control surfaces glitch: I couldn't find any images initially, so I restarted KSP, and the TWR are showing, but ASS doesn't use canards on the aircraft (But works perfectly well with rockets). See the bottom left, how it's not even trying to correct? I did notice, however, when the plane took off, ASS used the canards.
  9. The latest MechJeb seems to have issues with aircraft, it says the TWR is 0, and when I turn on Smart A.S.S. it doesn't use any of the control surfaces. Don't tell me to use http://idea.ksp.mumech.com/, it keeps saying the numbers I enter are wrong, even though they arn't. Fix that also.
  10. Unfortunately, my graphics card does not support SpaceEngine, so I couldn't confirm if I messed up. Otherwise, I'd do that.
  11. I redid my previous version of KSP in Celestia. (I can't find it, so don't ask where) Download: 2.0 How to install: put /Mocha2007/ in /extras/ in your celestia folder. Will not work on Macs due to an issue with capital letters, just change the names to lowercase if you have issues. Version 2.0 - Added 0.17 Planets and moons, improved atmospheres. (Please send me greyscale topo and regular maps! I only have maps for Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus, so I'm using low-quality generic textures for each as placeholders.) I also noticed people who used the previous version originally thought of MLP when reading the title. For all you bronies, I also added Equestria at Earth's L3 lagrangian point. I you don't want this, delete the /equestria/ folder in /extras/Mocha2007/. Enjoy, and tell me if I did something wrong.
  12. Assuming you didn't just go in paint and edit this, here's my thoughts: 1. Too small to be Minmus. 2. Are you SURE it isn't just another stage? 3. I doubt it is some easter egg. 4. I doubt it is aliens. 5. It's obviously not a star, those are much larger and extremely blurry. 6. And you never saw it again? Maybe your graphics card... glitched... or something... Maybe at that exact position, you can see through the fake sphere covering the Kerbol system (Like in the spore editors), and after you passed that small window of opportunity... it dissapeared. For exapmly, you can only see a solar eclipse at the right place and time. So maybe, when passing through that exact spot at those exact moments, you could see it. While you were in the map window, you passes through the zone where you could see it.
  13. I just have a satellite at 30KM above the moon, left it on for an hour at 10x warp, and I now have a complete map of the mun.
  14. There's already an option for that. Read the section of the post titled "MapGen Command Line arguments/usage".
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