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Everything posted by KD3

  1. Ok, Docking it is. I don't really have the time to see if I can get it to Laythe.
  2. Also, Does the beacon need to dock to anything. Because I need to know so I can put a docking port and some RCS on
  3. I'm back in KSP guys. Beacon should be done soon.
  4. That picture made me laugh way to much
  5. Here is mine. It's not very good but it's a start
  6. Absolutely nothing looking like anything in KSP. That moon is the only one
  7. Randomly came across this moon in Space Engine. Looks a lot like Duna. From orbit From the surface
  8. At the moment mine is 834mb but I just did a reinstall and have a few mods. Before it was like 2gb
  9. Completely false. Who could hate it? The user below me uses Steam instead of KSP Store.
  10. If he played it then we would have so many 5 year old trolls on these forums. No offense to people here who like him.
  11. 19/19 How can anyone not remember that name
  12. I don't like Windows 8 either. Linux is much much better than anything Microsoft or Apple can put on the table.
  13. Ok I will redesign a bit. Should be done by about 10pm British Summer Time (GMT+1) at the latest.
  14. Ok, I'll just make sure the beacon can get to orbit and has enough fuel for a rendezvous. I was going to put wheels on it but I can't really put them anywhere if it needs to be capable of floating on water as well as going on land.
  15. The main thing I want to see is Kerbin lighting up with civilisation at night.
  16. The current design of the "Candle of Babylon" Tell me if you like it or want any of it different. I will be designing the launcher tomorrow. EDIT: Another pic
  17. Wow, I like that design llamatoes. Also how will the beacon get there? Will it be sent there on its own or as part of a large interplanetary ship?
  18. Wow those are nice engine clusters. I may use a similar idea for the beacon. Also I was thinking. What if the colony was assembled on the ground by rovers. So each section has wheels so they can be moved by a tug rover and docked together? I think it would make the colony look better and it is nicer to have most things connected.
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