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Everything posted by Devolution

  1. thanks for the advice, i tried that out. and yeah, this whole challenge works better in 0.9x1 really. especially with the connecting struts. makes for fewer rocket octopus disasters
  2. i've been fiddling with this for a couple days, it's actually kind of fun. the biggest problem is the staging gets all fucked up. and sometimes, no matter how you rearrange things in the stages, rockets will still go off when they're not supposed to. i'll post some screenies if i manage to accomplish anything other than just getting off the pad
  3. so my friends and i found this game last week, and have been enjoying the SHIT out of it since then awesome game, so glad i found it. also, i'm devo, hello everyone
  4. fuck yeah, ponies also - 7 day necropost :| yay
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