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Everything posted by donlokiman

  1. Bomber!!!!!! As with my other thread, I am preparing for a battle with friends and I wanted a supersonic bomb truck. MOD List: B9 Aerospace - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92630-0-90-B9-Aerospace-Release-5-2-8-%28updated-30-12-14%29 B9 Procedural Parts - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104966-0-90-B9-Aerospace-Procedural-Parts-0-33-Updated-07-02-15 BD Armory - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/85209-0-25-BDArmory-v0-7-1-1-Dev-Thread-Dec-9 Mk2 Lightning Cockpit - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/96766 Adjustable Landing Gear - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/99660 K-58: https://app.box.com/s/mhfu1xtx3s7r6jr3rr6rfc8rz43y00e4
  2. So I am planning a BD Armory war with my friends and we are developing our weapons. This is a fighter I have been workin gon for a few hours. IT has some surprises in it. I will provide the craft File with BDArmory and without. MOD List: B9 Aerospace - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92630-0-90-B9-Aerospace-Release-5-2-8-%28updated-30-12-14%29 B9 Procedural Parts - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104966-0-90-B9-Aerospace-Procedural-Parts-0-33-Updated-07-02-15 BD Armory - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/85209-0-25-BDArmory-v0-7-1-1-Dev-Thread-Dec-9 Mk2 Lightning Cockpit - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/96766 Adjustable Landing Gear - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/99660 Here are the Photos! Kafale Mk2 - BD Armory https://app.box.com/s/9vx1pqp23bfmkwew79zr63rxxis4n27b Kafale Mk2 - Stripped Down (No BD) https://app.box.com/s/lssthtvc0jht04o7ho92k5pmco8ugch7
  3. I am using IR hinges, the rings tended to flex horribly when the wings were under load.
  4. The VGT Mark 1 and 2 Uses Infernal Robotics of course. I used B9 engines but those are obviously not required. Otherwise she is stock. And Thanks to FAR the swing actually does alter the aerodynamics quite a bit.
  5. This is a clone of the Delta IV. Ages ago I used this with a mod pack and have since made it stock. It will put a 28.5 ton payload into an 80km orbit without using any payload fuel. For interplanetary craft with nuclear engines it can lift a heavier payload using the payloads fuel. Instructions: 1. If Using MechJeb lock both booster engine gimbals before launch. Leave the center unlocked. 2. When you do your gravity turn keep the rocket on its side (Boosters on top and bottom) A flat ascent can get tricky. 3. Enjoy! She isn't fast but she's reliable. Download: http://ge.tt/2cXdewl/v/0?c
  6. Been stuck on SSTOs as of late. This is by far my most successful SSTO design. Flies quite brilliantly in atmos, it can manage a 80km x 80km orbit and barely have the fuel to deorbit, but it has enough fuel to circumnavigate kerbal on jets I imagine. And I hate SSTOs lol
  7. With Kethane I can see the Mun or Minmus being a very nice place to stage missions from. I think for it to work well though we would need ways to launch with empty fuel tanks. Weight of fuel is a big issue when launching large interplanetary ships.
  8. I for one want to build a quick response ship to rescue the Spirit Wolf guys trapped on Laythe.. And get a force of a dozen marines there as well.
  9. http://www.higgsdyson.com/XC-700.zip These are prototypes, so expect updates. hehe maam. The ships in scifi that have most influenced my ships are the ones from Starship Troopers.
  10. The Co-8A is an amazing design sir. It is very hard to define a style and yours is one Ive tried and failed to replicate.. Youve got the Babylon 5 earth cruiser style which try as I might i cannot seem to get right... and when I venture away from my style I get oddballs like the XC-400 and XC-500. On top of that you can manage speed and Dv and weapons ports, mine cannot. Id say you are damn fine competition.
  11. I have a sucky weekend ahead of me.. I have to get launchers on the XF-100 and the XC-700.. but since the XF-100 weighs less than 50 tons it shouldn't be too bad.
  12. Here it is folks.. the XF-100.. there really isn't any more I can do to tune it.. It pulls up just a hair, but we will call that character eh. Not content to waste a lunch break our engineers took the spare parts of the XC-700 and created this frigate, 130 parts, and a Dv of about 4500 she does not have the range of the larger cruisers, but she accelerates 75% faster than them and has the weapons hardpoints of a ship twice her size. Download Here FIRE!
  13. Its not normal lag.. its our cpu's trying to calculate the spacetime distortions caused by these monsters.
  14. The 306 is a bit of an oddball, youll notice there are actually 2 landing cans, the typical bridge and another one infront of it inline with the main fueltanks righ behind the main RCS tank. That is the control point instead of the probes I usually use. As soon as I gt back home Ill put the XF-100 up.. The XF-100 was done because I needed a break from ironing out flaws in the 700 series.. Bigger is not always better.. lol Its super super slow to maneuver, and aerobraking causes the nose to rise like Hugh Hefner at a sorority party. I may have that fixed on the 701.. but the weight and part savings of the 701B is making it difficult to fix.
  15. I love the Co-8A.. and it continues your tradition of high acceleration and fantasic Dv. And I am going to experiment with yours bridge placement. (How do the kerbonauts get in and out?) Ive not been near my PC the last few days.. The XF-100 have a Dv of about 4800, I forgot the part count but its really low.. Its very stable in atmos, I think with enough speed it may even fly. It will out accelerate all of my ships but the Co-8A may be faster.. Comrade builds fast boats. Shiny, I like how that ship has evolved, looks lighter overall too.. Your ships though aren't from Kerbin.. they are from the futuristic civilization living on Eve. lol
  16. Word of advice with the X-700 series.. The asymmetrical fuel tank on the bottom side of the ship should NOT be connected to the other fuel tanks. It is the counter balance for the asymmetrical bridge. Empty it at your own peril or have a lot of rcs to counter the shift in the center of mass. Oops the one i removed by mistake.. thats the one you dont remove.. lol Redownload the XC-700 it has been updated to counter the imbalance that exists in the first upload.
  17. We feel the prototypes for the XC-700 are far along enough to provide our customers (Babylon) with test hulls so we can get feedback on their future needs. Recognizing that not all customers have the resources to field a fully equipped 700 in support trim we are providing 2 hulls. The XC-701 and the XC-701B. As these are prototypes no launch system will be provided until final delivery. Download The XC-701 is fully equipped and ready to fly into any arena. The final part count has clocked in at 336 parts. What we are most proud of is the Delta-V gain from the 700, the final Dv number is 7029 m/s with a total burn time of 34 minutes in a vacuum accelerating at 1/3 of a G. The XC-701B uses the 701 frame but stripped of optional features. While still a potent cruiser, the 701B will not support xenon space fighter refueling out of the box. Power generation is also down from the 701 as well as power storage capacity. It will support refueling of SSTO's however as we feel this was a capability that was not worth losing given the 701B's range capabilities. All of these changes have reduced the part count to a slim 285 parts, final Dv is 6708 m/s in vacuum and a burn time of 30 minutes 31 seconds. Download Here
  18. Love the landing legs as bay doors. I saw this and was inspired to do the same on the 700 but I ended up putting the RTG's in that area.
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