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  1. So I finally bought the game this morning and I am having a whole lot of fun with it! Though so far my only problem is with my parachute. Once my command pod begins to fall back to earth, I release my parachute. As soon as I get to 500m (the height at which the wiki says it should deploy) my parachute then disappears and my command pod crashes and explodes in a fiery inferno. In the flight results, the sentence "Structural failure on linkage between Mk16 Parachute and Mk1-2 Command Pod" takes place just a few seconds before "Mk1-2 Command Pod collided into surface." I'm still learning the ins and outs, but I really can't seem to find out why this is happening. How do I get it to deploy? EDIT: Figured it out, had to use the XL one! I watched older videos of people using the normal parachute so that kinda confused me. Is there a way to delete a thread?
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