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  1. Yep, I do still read this thread every day, but there's nothing really to show for now. I am working on 3 buildings, but I am really busy right now IRL. Since I am really bad at texturing, I have to watch a but load of video's to even one building complete. But I am getting there, I think my builds will be ready in January. I even have some friends who are quite interested in this project. So the project isn't dead, its just that some people are busy with other things.
  2. I am glad that you liked it, I am looking forward to make some things
  3. hello everyone, this is my first time posting, but i am following this topic over a month or so, My question is how can I participate in this project, I can't figure it out somehow. yesterday I was bored so i made this nuclear power plant. http://i.imgur.com/SXAywv2.jpg I hope someone can give me some feedback and tell me how to join. thanks anyway.
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