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Everything posted by RedShootLeo

  1. Im pretty good at building, and i already made a lot of good planes, but i never did a VTOL, so i would like to know how to make one, for my future project. By the way, is it possible to hover?
  2. Of course it does. It\'s too heavy in the back. It\'s not balanced at all, it\'s just gonna be spinning around without SAS. I recommend taking out the side fuel tanks.
  3. Im starting to create a set of planes called GEAR, using only C7 Parts. I already did something like this a few months ago, but i kinda stopped cuz there were no new updates to C7... but im back now. So... my goal is to make planes easy to steer, stable, and fast. All of that, while still inside the earth. Wanna take a look? This is just a model i made today, named GEAR Jet Locked G4: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Details: Supersonic Plane (Meaning it flies at/faster then the speed of sound.) Combined Max Thrust - 440 Very agile, so use S.A.S regularly to maintain desired position. When turning, avoid do it with max thrust, cuz it will cost a little bit of stability. Atention, this is not a Space Plane. I made this with all the necessary means to fly INSIDE the Earth. Yes, i know it doesn\'t haz any wheels, but i think they are just too big, so i will probably wait until C7 releases a smaller version. UPDATE: Download added so you can try it out. Please, do not steal and say its yourz... or else............ yeh, nothing\'s gonna happend. Just don\'t. Liked this plane? Just reply here and i will start my own topic with fresh, and new models.
  4. Is there any way that i could mod the SAS Module so i could put a Fuel Tank attatched to the side of a SAS Module?
  5. Well, i'm currently using C-7 Mod, so i would like his engine velocity. Has long has i know, he only has 1.
  6. Then, what would be the normal power of a truster inside the Earth Atmosphere? In km/h.
  7. Damn, im really finding some troubles creating some new designs... this might take a 'rrwhile'. Or no...
  8. I see. I appreciate the explanation, and i am looking forward for that release. I must say that you are a HUGE modder, and you should always keep your good work, despite whatever other people might say! Edit: Oh, and by the way, could you make the XRW Wing in a way for us to be actually able to put something inside the 'holes'? Like in my Jet-1, i have a S.A.S Module inside both holes. Thx.
  9. Yes, but i want to know if there is a way for me to calculate the Trusters 'Power' in km\h.
  10. I know, but that only messures the Fuel that is being used, right? I don't know.
  11. Thanks! I will. I just don't understand why the original version doesn't has this moded S.A.S Modules. Because, tubes, exist. Couldn't they put tubes going through the S.A.S Module? Whatever. Thanks for the support!
  12. Hi again... so, im just gonna go right at it, is there any kind of thing that points how fast is my Ship going? I don't want how fast the 'body' is, i wan't how fast the Trusters are. I don't know if i am making myself understand, i just can't find the right words. I hope you understand. It's pretty mutch like cars. I wan't something that tells me how fast my engine is working... or something like that. Im sorry for my english. Thanks!
  13. I tought about that two, but somehow, it glides very good, i mean, if you turn on S.A.S in the desired position. I also made a Jet with Fins, i will put it for download right away. And by the way, i forgot to put there saying that i was using a S.A.S Module that allows fuel to go through so... yeh. Thanks for the reply.
  14. Welcome to the C-7 GEAR Edition. I am currently developing a series of Stable Space-Craft/Jetty type of Planes. If you have any tip, idea, or guess of something that might add something more to any of the Releases, please, feel free to post down there. [glow=red,2,300]Ohh and, for the use of this Planes, you will need an edited S.A.S Module. One that allows you to let fuel go through the Module, no worries, i will post the download down there. Just copy the file to your 'Parts' directory, and Enjoy![/glow] My first release is the GEAR Star Raider Jet-1. It's very stable and easy to steer. When locking S.A.S On, it's pretty mutch like turning On the Auto-Pilot. I will be releasing different version of the Jet, ones that make him more fast, and others easier to steer. I will put the Download and a Image down there, since i'm kinda newbie in this 'Forum' thing. Thanks! Leo, awaaaaaaayyyyy! |o/ GEAR Star Raider Jet-2 GL (GL: Glidding Effect) it's up for download now! Hope you like, and give me some feedback on how you think you can improve the Jet. Beware that this Jet is mutch more 'Movement Sensitive' so... yeh... i think that says all. GEAR Blackbird Hunter F-14 up for download. This plane is very fast, and a little bit more difficult to steer than the Jet's, still, it's pretty easy. You can change the trusters order to whatever you want, so you can make the Fuel last longer. This plane is 'heavy', so keep in mind not to move very violently whily using the trusters at full. Leo, awaaaayyyyyy! |o/ GEAR Hawk-Eye KZ-6 can be downloaded above. Care for this plane, cuz it's got a hell of horse power. This plane is recommended for experience people, because if you try to turn violently with your trusters in max, or any near max power, this ship it's gonna 'puff' away from you. Beware, do not use maximum trust velocity while inside the Earth, it's very hard to steer the ship after that. I recommend you to just 'lock' the trajectory of the ship with the S.A.S Module right before launching. You can currently download C-7 Mods from here: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=1172.0
  15. Hahaha, clean and simple, just the way i like it, thanks! Keep up the good work! Leo, awaaaaayyyyyyyyy! Edit: I don't seem to find that line in the SAS Module config. Could you explain step by step what to do, just for me to see what i am doing wrong. Thanks anyway! Edit (2): Ohhh, wait, never mind, i didn't understand what you typed, my bad, just ignore this, i tought you wanted me to FIND that line in the config, not to add it. My bad, sorry. Leo, awaaaaaayyyy! |o/
  16. Just a question, i don't know if this is the right section, but here is goes: Why can't we stack 2 Fuel Deposits if we have a S.A.S Module between them? Couldn't they be connect by some tubes inside the S.A.S Module or something? If there is a Mod that would allows us to do this, then tell me please. Thanks!
  17. Got it! But i had to change my Ship design a little bit, but what ever, i will keep trying with the original design. But this one, it's pretty stable, it's kinda of a Plane for Noobs, because it's sooooooo easy to steer. Thanks for the help!
  18. Just a quick question, do i need to keep my trusters on, when i am in horizontal position? Obs: When i reach the 10.000 - 15.000, i put the Ship in horizontal position, and after that, i just let him go? Could someone explain this to me, step by step, because, im reallyyyyy noob at this, don't get me wrong, it's not i like i wouldn't be capable OF if you were to explain detailed to me, i am not idiot, just a noob. Thanks!
  19. Thanks for the quick awnser guys! Ohh... and... by the way, yesterday, i was trying something i, myself, think it's pretty mutch impossible. I was trying to land without using any kind of parachute, just the C-7 Wheels. Is that something possible? Even using a Joystick, wich i was, seemed pretty impossible to me. I know some people already achieved that, but, if so, how? Thanks anyways!
  20. To start... i must say that i am not American, nor anything closer. So... if you may, i would appreciate clean sentences and very detailed, but keep in mind that i am not good at Math, nor at Kerbal. So, i thought to me misself, would it be possible to achieve a Stable Orbit with the plane model i'm using? Im gonna put it down there so you can take a look, if you need any extra info, just say something down there. And pleaaaase, don't go saying: 'Ah! To achieve Orbit you need to calculate the vector of x, after multiply 4 by 475.' or something like that, i'm not good at Math, has i previously said. Thanks! ;D Ohhh, by the way, beware that i am not using the Standart Kerbal parts, i am currently using the C-7 flight Parts.
  21. Obrigado . Você é um ótimo ADM por estar sempre atento aos topicos que os usuários do forum criam! Obrigado pelo seu esforço.
  22. Hmm... certo. Mas como eu mudaria a potençia dos motores? Em que tecla devo carregar?
  23. Eu acho que deveria ser adicionada uma interface dentro do jogo, para que pudesse-mos mudar a velocidade a que a nave se desloca, bem como a quantidade de combustivel gasta consuante a velocidade. Seria algo possivel?
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