I tried letting things run in real time, but yea, that's not really a solution at all. The problem isn't even exclusively caused by warping either, it manifests during staging as well, as I mentioned. I've never had it during physics warp though, but interestingly it always originates from the same part. For you it's the stack decoupler, for me it's the cubic strut thingy. What I did to work around it is to ignore max temps, do your mission, what ever it is, with a ship that's infinitely hot (like in the gif above. Another thing I've noticed is that infinitely hot solar panels don't generate any power). In my case this was a Mun base, four modules all landing separately (two of the modules are in the gif), joining together, then I went and edited the save file to bring the temps back to within a reasonable range. For me this meant changing "temp" and "tempExt" of the overheated parts from "Infinity" to "103" , which seems to be the ambient temp on the surface of the Mun. I can now warp on the surface and exit warp without any issues. Unless someone has a better way, this is what I'll be doing until it gets patched. *Edit: I should mention that I did a clean install and only reinstalled utility mods, i.e. Kerbal Engineer, docking port alignment, etc