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  1. 7/10 Funny but seen so many variants of it
  2. Banned for having a sad face in your sig.
  3. Banned for having a challenge that i completed but i used print screen instead of f1 for screen shots.
  4. Banned for banning someone that was banning another that was banning his countrymen That was hard to put together in a way that made some sense.
  5. Go to Moho with a lander probe then to duna in 10 days? Sounds like a challenge.
  6. I'm thinking a air update like thing. aerodynamics rentery and whether. Also finish the iva's, mk2 plane cockpit has a window on the outside but not in the inside.
  7. Just got Kurt kerman. Sadly i can't get proof that I did not name him that.
  8. Scott manley, winter owl, macey dean, danny,and enter elysium.
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