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Everything posted by CriticalDog

  1. I love this idea. I absolutlely in love with the idea of doing an entire space program, not necessarily just launching rockets and shootin for the moon, but an entire program. Sending satelites and probes to other planets and moons, gathering data on their atmosphere and composition and designing landers and probes for those atmospheres...
  2. Well, I finally managed my first orbit. It was ugly as sin, and I didn't have enough juice left to bump myself out of the orbit. Perigee : about 160k Apogee: about 1500k I have a HUGE problem with control. Even a small rocket, with minimal bells and whistles still tends to tumble out of control the moment I try to angle over for orbit. But now that I've done it once, I know I can do it again. Woo hoo!
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