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  1. I can't see super well, but if I had to guess for a quick fix, I would say to move/add some canards to the area around the stage that flops on you. There is still a bit of atmosphere when you hit that stage, and with the length of the rocket, may make the top end drop. Also, I see that you are using struts, but I have no idea where they are. I would personally strut some of the upper and lower stages together as I imagine they are buckling a little. I could be totally wrong though, still haven't worked out all the kinks I run into.
  2. I drank a little here and there through my late teens. Quit at 18, then picked back up a little in my early twenties. I am now 27 and never drink. Even a little bit gives me a bad stomach ache, so I just don't do it.
  3. Just ONE MORE launch and then I will get some sleep...... every single time!
  4. 10/10 I have your picture hanging on my wall.... Big fan of your work! jk, 0/10 I've never seen you before.
  5. When I have a ship that breaks apart, I always check to see which part failed on the mission log (the screen that prompts you to either restart flight or return to VAB). Almost every single time this happens, it is cause by too much pressure placed on decouplers. The rockets are pushing up and the weight of the rest of the ship is pushing down, smashing the decouplers in the middle. I try to fix this by running struts from other stable parts of the ship to the decouplers themselves. For the most part, it's working, not all the time though. Check your mission log at the "catastrophic failure" menu, or by pressing f3 shortly after the collapse to see what failed first and see if you can find a way to prevent that. Good Luck!
  6. Which MMI pack is this referencing? I am having tons of trouble with the Satellite pack...
  7. Aside from GTA5 there is really only one game that has piqued my interest lately. It's called Kenshi, and it is shaping up to be a do whatever you want and live with the consequences sandboxy rpgish game.
  8. I haven't played it, but I saw NerdCubed doing his let's plays on it... Looks like an interesting game, but without a deep understanding of the game mechanics, crazy hard!
  9. That is unlucky!! Thank goodness I am not you. My 42" doubles as a computer monitor. It is literally my entertainment hub! If it breaks, I have nothing! *Knocks on wood*!
  10. I don't know how to select vertices, but I may be able to help with the metric bit. On the right side of the screen is row of symbols: Render, scene, world, object, etc. If you click on Scene, it open a list of options further down the screen. One of the options is Units, and it is preset to None. Just switch this over to metric and it should be good to go. I THINK! I learned this from the sticky "complete blender tutorial" on the front page of this forum. It isn't perfect by any means, but it is helpful!
  11. If you decide that it is too much effort to create the mod, there is always this page: http://www.kerbalspaceprogram.net/kerbal-space-program-mods It has a good looking and working Tardis mod. Only problem is that you can't EVA and stuff. On the plus side, good sound effects! P.S. Why won't you just die out already!!!
  12. I saw it suggested somewhere that if you can find the coords of the point/edge/vertex? you want as a node in Blender, you can just jot them down and try them in the .cfg. Don't know what shapes you are working with or where you want the nodes, so I don't know if this would help! Also, for the testing slowness what I did was create a second game file, delete all parts that aren't absolutely necessary for the testing of the nodes and run it that way. It quickens the load time QUITE a bit! Hope I could help! Edit: Also, if you copy the coords, may have to keep the scaling in mind (I honestly don't know).
  13. I wonder if all of the switches are locked into position just in case they get bumped. I imagine that would be a big problem in tight quarters, unless of course, they are strapped in the ENTIRE trip....
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