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Everything posted by MisterTelecaster

  1. If you read my post you'll notice that I already tried putting it on the same stage and that didn't work. If I leave the window open I can recover the data, but it seems odd to me that I can't just click Save Data like I can with everything else such as EVA reports and Crew Reports, and that I have to leave the window open for my entire flight back to Kerbin.
  2. I never said I restored the flight, I said I clicked the save data button (the green clipboard) and then recovered my rocket. I got no science. I can transmit the data properly and get science from it, but I'd rather recover it to not get the penalty. But recovery doesn't work for me.
  3. So my first assumption when I slapped a pod of mystery goo onto the side of my ship was that it would be stored in my command pod like an EVA report and whatnot. So I splashed Jeb and my command pod down safely, and recovered it to find that my only gain was +0.0 for recovering a vessel from low Kerbin orbit. Alright, so maybe the pod of goo needs to make it back as part of the vessel. I added a few extra parachutes onto my final stage and got rid of the decoupler between it and the command pod so the whole thing was one solid piece, and recovered that safely, mystery goo pods and all. Launched, saved data from the pods, landed, recovered, and not one point of science to show for it. I've reinstalled KSP and started a new game, but that doesn't seem to have fixed anything, I still have the exact same problem. I've also noticed that whenever I observe the goo pods after "saving" data, it doesn't ask me if I want to overwrite the old data like it does with crew observations. I presume this is because there is no data actually saved. Has anybody else experienced this? Does anybody know any fixes? I've gotten the Science Jr. part and it has the same problem.
  4. I'm not a huge fan of dying a horrible fiery death. I pick human.
  5. Here's the way I see it: They say they're working on career mode but not changing sandbox, right? So I predict that all of our career mode saves will break, but our sandbox saves will not, since sandbox game mechanics will remain completely unchanged in 0.21. And since career mode is disabled when creating a new save game, you will presumably only have sandbox files, and none of said sandbox files will likely be affected in any way shape or form by career mode. Unless you hacked it somehow, but then you're pretty much asking for your save file to get screwed up.
  6. I still have a whole book and a half before I'm caught up on a Song of Ice and Fire. And a big stack of Stephen King might get me to Jool on nuclear engines. Gotta get dat fuel efficiency. Edit: In the spirit of the Kerbal race, I feel like I should be out doing something stupid while I wait for my burns instead of reading. Maybe tape that wasp nest out in my yard to a firework and send THAT into space.
  7. My personal favorite was my beautiful wonderful amazing low Kerbin orbit refueling station. I think I called it "Space WaWa" or something. I wish I had screenshots, but I never really bother to take any ever. . . hopefully a good story will suffice. Side-note, I play 100% stock, not even MechJeb. I had some plans for a friday night that fell through, so I was stuck at home with nothing to do. 0.18 had just come out, which I had been pretty psyched about, so I was like, "Hey, I should build me a space station!" So I sent up some simple orbiters to attach together to get used to docking controls, and then I built what I called a "Space Tug", a craft that can not only throw heavy stuff into orbit, but also maneuver said heavy junk with finesse and precision. Basically a big ol' tugboat in space for docking unpowered stuff (space station parts, large ship parts, etc). An hour and some test flights later, and the Space Wawa core was up and running in an almost perfectly circular 100km orbit. Four hours after that, the Space Wawa has almost 500 parts, four of the large orange 36 ton fuel tanks all topped off, and lots of hitchhiker containers for travelling Kerbals to spend the night. At this point, it was around 2 o'clock and I had had quite a long day, so I decided to call it a night and go to sleep. I'll test it in the morning. The next day, lots of unexpected junk came up, followed by even more unexpected junk, followed by a week's worth of massive piles of homework, and then I just forgot about the Space Wawa altogether. Fast-forward to last weekend, and I booted KSP up for the first time in a while to find that there was an update. I was about to update it when I remembered the Space Wawa and said to myself, "Self, you should just test out the Space Wawa at least once before you upgrade, just in case the update somehow breaks it." I thanked myself for the suggestion and resolved to do so. Just as I finished building my Eve lander, I got a phone call from my girlfriend telling me that her plans fell through and that she was free for the night. Naturally, I decided to postpone docking my rocket to my space station and spent the day hanging out and playing music, followed by a romantic dinner, followed by docking my rocket to the space station. And then I went home and got back on KSP. Anyway, I get my lander up in orbit with my tanks about half empty, and set up a rendezvous with the Space WaWa. I set the Space WaWa as target and wait. And wait. And wait. A few orbits later, and we're close enough to start docking maneuvers. This is it. The first real test of both my lander and my space station and my skills as a rocket scientist. The moment of truth. I'm getting closer. Closer. Man I'm tired. Closer. CLOSER. Wait, how do I read the nav ball doohickey for docking again? What's the pink circle thingy? Oh wait, what are even the docking controls? Oh shoot I need to slow d- BOOM. Five Kerbals are killed instantly, including Jebediah. They are the three pilots of the lander and two crew in a hitchhiker, and they are the lucky ones. The two captains in the control room are sent spinning back into the atmosphere. They're on the opposite side of the planet from KSC, there isn't enough time to launch a rescue mission. The station was never designed to re-enter, there were no parachutes. As one group in Mission Control guided a rescue rocket to save the Kerbals in the surviving Hitchhiker containers stuck in orbit, another watches helplessly from the tracking station as the Space WaWa captains plummet to Kerbin. Ten minutes later, the rescue rocket approaches the first of the two remaining Hitchhikers, with four Kerbals trapped inside. They come in close for a rescue before realizing that in my excitement and horror and general tired state, my skill at piloting an EVA kerbal has absolutely plummetted as some miscellaneous Kerbal crashes into the side of the rescue ship and goes spinning off into space. At that point he was still rescueable, but I just completely gave up and decided to put them out of their misery by deleting the save before updating to 0.20. This post was written in memory of the brave crew of the Space WaWa, and the Kerbals on the ground who did everything in their power to save them. 5/25/2013. Never forget. Edited some grammar and whatnot for added readability.
  8. I lost a big gigantic Jool mothership thing covered in landers just because I was tired. It had around 400 parts and dropped my computer to about 8 FPS whenever I was piloting it I think if they just moved the End Flight button down by the width of a button or two it would fix a lot of problems
  9. When I get home from school today I'll see if I can't make one with the new Kerbal seat
  10. OP, I feel like you should read Carl Sagan's Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors. You'd probably like it.
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