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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Had the same problem since yesterday. Checked CKAN again and again, and right now it tells me >finally< I got alot of updates for my mods ready. Fly safe
  2. EDIT: So basically: [noparse] <spoiler content> [/noparse] TARDIS Blue.[/noparse]Well if no one else will say it, then I will: Thank you very much!
  3. Hey folks, hey Starwaster - creat0r of my evilish nightmares Somehow as soon as I enter the launchpad scene the debug log gets spammed up like crazy: I am using CKAN for mod installation, and it tells me that the Modular Flight Integrator is used by DRE, so my best guess is that this is related to the other massiv FPS drops, maybe..or not...honestly I don´t know https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7314009/KSP.log https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7314009/output_log.txt keep up the awesome work my man
  4. just updated the first post with this nifty link, Mr. Musk approves lunar swimming https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/553835543336058880
  5. I heared it too!!! the jingle when you get into space, omg I love SpaceX xDDDDD
  6. Hey you guys, I just found the new "What if" entry from XKCD (highly recommended webcomic for space nerds) and I thought you guys might enjoy it as much as I did. What if - Lunar Swimming Really looking forward to do this Elon musk approved theory: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/553835543336058880
  7. Sorry for taking so long, but HERE is the .craft file. Changes are the following: - Strutted up the Wings so they won´t flex that much anymore, hence enhancing flight stability - Lowered the Elevators (those pitch things on the back) to get the Center of Lift more in line with the Center of Mass - Trippled the back landing gear - and every control surface has its purpose now i.e. roll only on the ailerons on the wing tips and yaw only controlable via the rudder Edit: I can´t find the thread were I found THIS gem, but it always helps when building aircrafts. All credit for this goes to Keptin!
  8. Aaaaaand just 30 minutes short of the new year I managed to land it! (Yes I have no friends ) I added some struts for the wings, trippled the back landing gear, and adjusted the elevators a bit down. Yes I can go proud into the next year, that was alot of fun, and I am glad to now be a official I-80 pilot Happy New Year to everybody!
  9. As I spent over 5 hours to finally get a Mk3 plane into the air (looked very much like your island hopper) I am going to give this a try, screens will follow, maybe fraps if I am in the mood xD Edit: That was my first try, let me have acrack at it again in the morning hehe Edit2: Updated the YT-Video to a slightly better resolution, so it doesn´t look that awful anymore
  10. for the first time this evening I am getting 500 errors on the squad ksp store page O_O
  11. I am from germany, unfortunatly it still says 24,99€ in the steam store....It´s a TRAP!
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