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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Endless T-pose Bill Kermans coming out of the hatch. It was a fun bug until game crashed.
  2. I've had almost identical issues, but only when I'm in flight, with a SCANsat map open. But like you said it does get more pronounced with a longer play session. My computer specs are the same as yours. My save is only 2.5MB, with ~30 persistent craft. I'll let you know if it starts happening out of flight, or without SCANsat, as I keep playing and launching more craft. It might be the same problem as yours, with SCANsat making it more noticeable earlier on. Sorry I can't offer more insight; I'm not a technological person.
  3. Who has time for grandchildren when you have Kerbals instead? You can't explode grandchildren.
  4. I imagine that she can be quite uncomfortable, that's why I went for a pillow instead.
  5. Kerbal astronauts can only hear a constant ringing in their ears, due to the damage from countless screams and explosions.
  6. Over a year for me. But now the hype is real. It's good to feel excited again.
  7. I'm not sure if this has been addressed, but I know that the gas giants in our system have pretty incredible wind speeds. I think Neptune has the fastest, with winds over 1000mph. Do you we'll be finding similar winds on Jool? If so, I guess it would make the idea of using a parachute somewhat more difficult fun. If we have turbulent winds (meaning varying pressures), do you think there may be places where the pressures and temperatures of the gas coincide in a way that allows for bands/belts of liquid to exist? This would probably be excruciating to model, but I'd love to find small, floating seas flying around in Jool's atmosphere, or just thin bands of liquid circling the planet. Either way, my plan for Jool is going to be pretty boring. I'll likely go in for a descent that is as fast and shallow as possible. Or maybe I'll set up an orbit, and gradually lower the orbital radius whilst trying to pick up speed, just to get an idea of the numbers I'm expecting to need when I properly explore the whole system. If I find that winds rip the ship apart, I might send another probe into one of the poles with a parachute; just for a calmer, more smooshy death. I'll send in one of my less favourable Kerbals though. For kicks. Joerim has let me down a few times recently, so err...sorry little guy. I imagine that with gravity that strong, even if you can find a surface, there's no coming up again.
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