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  1. Not sure if this has been said before - I checked the OP but didn't see any list of known bugs. I've seen multiple instances of planets showing up as black dots against the sun - as if they were transiting it - even though they are behind it. For example, Jool should never transit the sun from my point of view from Kerbin, but it shows up as a black dot against the Sun when it passes behind the sun. Seems like a occlusion problem, but I'm not sure. I can drop a log/screenshot/whatever you need to bugfix.
  2. PSA for dummies like me who aren't able to enter any buildings/use the GUI when you first load a save: re-read the known issues in the OP and make sure you've got Community Resource Pack installed.
  3. Integration with the new Toolbar would be great if you've got the time and willingness! Also, other than giving players the ability to create a working GPS system, what's the functionality of this mod? What happens when you can't get a GPS fix, does map view not show where you are? You lose control if you don't have a connection in RemoteTech - does this do something similar?
  4. Is there a way to make Mechjeb rendezvous ahead of a target? I'm setting up a satellite constellation and I'm having trouble spacing my communications satellites evenly around their orbit. I know Mechjeb can rendezvous with a target, but is there any way I can make it rendezvous with an empty point in space/imaginary satellite? I need to time the launch to get my payload so many degrees ahead of or behind a known target and I'm having a load of trouble doing so...
  5. I've just been doing some rooting around in my save and I was wondering if anybody knew how to edit the persistence file? I know it's possible to spawn a new ship into a particular orbit or even change the orbit/position of a ship already up there, but I have yet to see how to actually do that or figure it out for myself. Is there a guide somewhere to what each variable needs/what it does? I would love to be able to set up all my communications satellites into exactly identical, perfectly spaced kerbo-synchronous orbits but I could see this being useful for spawning a huge/unusually designed craft into orbit and I'm just kinda curious. Thanks!
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