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Everything posted by SuddenlyNinja

  1. Greetings to all Kerbals out there, so very good to see you even if I can't actually see you... I just wanted to let you know that I decided to feature the game we all enjoy and love so much on the first episode of my weekly show about non-violent games. I started this show in protest of mainstream media portraying the gaming scene as overly gross and violent, and I wanted to show people that there is a truckload of games out there that do not focus on violence and blood. What better game to start with than KSP? You'd all be doing me a huge favour by taking a look at my video, only for just a few seconds, and tell me what you think about it. I really want to become better at this, and therefore I humbly request your assistance. You can find my videos and here.I hope this won't bother any of you in any way, and wish you all a very munar orbit! -SuddenlyNinja
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