So I made something of a newbie mistake. I changed the fullscreen resolution to 1240xsomething and found that it was too big. The problem now is that because of the new oversized resolution, I can no longer find the 'Accept' or 'Apply' buttons necessary to change the resolution, or any other graphical settings. Is there another way of doing this?
How do I make my flights unmanned? I'm reluctant to waste Kerbal lives on my early attempts at flight. EDIT: Sorry guys, I didn't realise that threads needed moderator permission and double posted this in General Discussion. Can a mod delete this for me?
I'm new to the game, and reluctant to send Kerbals to their untimely deaths as I learn the basics of the game. How do I make a vehicle unmanned? Also, when a manned capsule safely lands on terra firma, do I simply end the mission?