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Everything posted by melak47

  1. parachute worked fine out of the box. it just doesn't attach very well while on the ground, because the radial one is so big. it collides with the ground and falls of. I attached it in free fall though and that worked great, and it didn't rip off when the chute opened fully either
  2. You grab a part so it's on the Kerbal's back, then you right click -> attach other parts - and you can place them on the part on your Kerbal's back (if this is a bug, please don't fix it! ) Guess what also works: Unfortunately the Kerbal in the seat will fall off when you move.
  3. This is fun! Unfortunately the panels weren't charging the battery, so the big dish ran out of power before transmitting the report This works perfectly though!
  4. I'd rather have them in one place, there's only 4 pieces, and it's easy enough to distinguish the gray from the yellow parts?
  5. Hm, I've had no trouble running programs I edited externally myself. Could it be a line break problem? I saw some special handling for windows \r\n in the source code... I don't see how being able to write scripts in the VAB/SPH would give you any syntax checking, but it would be nice to have.
  6. 1: you *can* edit files in the archive with any editor you like. 2: velocity *is* a vector. 6: you could add a new program to the archive folder before launch with your text editor of choice
  7. While you're fixing bugs, the "unlock all." command does not appear to be working for me, it unlocks neither steering nor throttle.
  8. Nice work on this! I wanted to take a look at things and poke around, but... the .csproj is referencing a few code files which seem to be missing from the repo(BindingsRoverStats.cs, SpecialValue.cs, SpecialValueTester.cs, StageValues.cs, VesselTarget.cs). At least SpecialValue.cs seems to be referenced from other files, so the whole thing won't build without it
  9. Here I was, hoping for just a few new parts...and now it's 85! Wow! Awesome part pack!
  10. Love the new parts! There seems to be a slight alignment issue with the new Lander Legs though:
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