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Everything posted by Brenok

  1. Scott Manley has a video about the gravitational acceleration in ISP equatons: Basically, the g is only there to allow people to use both imperial and metrical. It doesn't matter what the local gravity actually is.
  2. Are you sure you're replying to the right thread? Where do you see religion bashing?
  3. Paralel thread, to mantain them connected. I discovered KSP from xkcd, too.
  4. And which, incidentally, doesn't include "satellite"
  5. Maybe try using Alt-F12 to bring the cheats and use "hack gravity" and "infinite fuel"? Then you could attach some small rockets and fly quickly. What kind of bug are you experiencing that could only be tested on a mountain?
  6. What could this "anything" be? Giant asteroid? It would probably take an asteroid larger than Kerbin itself to mess with the orbit of Minmus.
  7. After reading you post, I got the idea that you believe plants are someway sentient or intelligent. Is this correct? If so, I don't think it is true. You don't need any form of consciousness to mutate or evolve.
  8. But global warming is gradual, and much more short-term. We can already feel its effects now, and it could get much worse on the next 50/100 years. The meteor, even if it would hit Earth in 800 years, would do no harm to us now. In 100 years, it would do no harm. In 500, 600, 700 years, we probably wouldn't feel its consequences. Even if it took 100 years to mount an expedition and deflect the asteroid, it wouldn't be unreasonable to wait a bit more for better (and more reliable) technology.
  9. I don't quite understand what you're proposing. Why would you want for distant RCS thrusters to get less thrust?
  10. In any case, I think the main problem is evaporation. If you want the black hole to last 1 milisecond it must have 23 tons of mass. And a black hole with that mass would have 3*10^-23 radius.
  11. If the black hole was small enough and went directly down, it would pass throught the core and exit at the same speed it entered.
  12. Anyway, there's still the problem that fusion itself is very brief. The atoms collide, fuse, liberate energy and immediatly break up. I don't think someone could make a black hole on something similar to a fusion reactor.
  13. I'll say as a disclaimer that I'm not a trained physicist either, but anyway: The problem with Tokamak fusion reactors like this is that, as far as I know, they fuse particles by making them very fast, and colliding one on another, so it would be difficult to contain. And they're one-on-one collisions, which immediatly dissolve.
  14. Well, then the answer would probably be just "it's impossible with current technology"
  15. Given the "Sci Fi Theory" topic, more like "not-so-current" technology.
  16. Talking about earthly elements makes no sense, because KSP has its own unique elements, as shown in the upcoming fuel cycle scheme.
  17. Usually, rates of change are represented by a lowercase "d", like in d/dx. Delta (ÃŽâ€) almost always refers to a simple difference (not a difference in change, whatever this means)
  18. Try switching to docking controls on the bottom left. That makes W-Front / S-Back A-Left / D-Right Shift - Up / Ctrl - Down And I believe it is that way to match the pitch commands. When you press "W", you usually move the ship "down"
  19. Wow, that game is quite impressive, specially for the Atari. The thing that buga me is that Skylab-like station, which had already been deorbited when the Shuttle started. Or is it a fictional station?
  20. Could you be more specific? I saw some of Manley's videos but weren't particularly observant.
  21. The legends say that far away, exists a system with eight planets and hundreds of moons. Mars would be one of the formers. Actually it's quite similar to Duna...
  22. That certainly looks like a better first flight than most youtubers
  23. Were they supposed to be famous or something?
  24. I don't know exactly the answer but I'm quite sure it just need some simple calculus and the rocket equation, not a math degree. I could always be wrong, though. I will try to write an answer as soon as I find the information, and if nobody answers until then.
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