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Everything posted by TheUnknownPoet

  1. Im trying to make an interplanetary gateway of sorts.... Sort of like a huge airport in orbit of the mun and kerbin. I'm doing this merely for fun, so I am using cheats (Yea I know) But my issue lies with the fact that I have to send Every. Peice. One. By. One. Into. Orbit. Twice. And. Back. And while this is fine for a small space station, when your station has 200 modules or so, it gets really tiring. Is there any way to put an entire structure into orbit without having to launch it by default? Is there a mod for this or something? I'm doing it for fun, I know it takes the challenge out of the game, but meh, It's how I like to play. Any info is greatly appreciated.
  2. No actually, I did much what NASA did when they landed on the moon- I left the main craft in orbit and just sent a module down to the surface and then re-intercepted it when I wanted to go homw. Only since it was my first time playing, it didn't work out as planned and i ran out of fuel and got stuck in orbit as the module drifted off into deep space. Yea. Deep space.
  3. Am I the only one who has never landed a kerbal on any celestial bod at all? even with cheats enabled? I can't seem to do it. Closest i've come is a 1200 m/s impact with the mun.
  4. Better yet, could I somehow become a mirror? I'm affiliated with a hosting company who'd love to do this.
  5. Alright, so then KSP simply sets up private tracker that only authenticated legitimately purchased users. Simple. -.-
  6. a first person view. that way we can pretend to be the kerbals and walk around and stuff.
  7. Why don't you guys just host your main downloads through a torrent? This way, your store won't crash as often, and everyone will share bandwidth.
  8. omg thank you so much for recommending this to me! I <3 you!!!111
  9. Anyone know anything? I'd like some input/speculation if possible.
  10. Is there any way to modify the KSP to reflect actual earth enviroment? For example to set the size of kerbal to the same size of earth, and same gravitational pull, ect, in an effort to simulate the most realistic conditions possible? I'd like to attempt to simulate an IBM on a trajectory to the ISS, and I was wondering if this were possible in real life- My question, Will the KSP Ever become an actual *realistic* simulator? (In terms of physics) Also, I don't notice orbit decay in KSP..... Where's this at/will it be implimented?
  11. I'm at 95,000 m/s, and 2 trillion km out. As soon as i reach the sun's escape, i'll turn on the throttle, and reach the speed of light. (Waiting till the sun escape because my time to escape is 68 years, and i have to warp or i'll never finish.)
  12. I'm currently on escape trajectory from the sun, and with only 68 years left (I WILL achieve escape on stock parts), my Meter changed to "G". What does this mean? First it was M, which I belive is meters, then it turned to G. What does G mean? I'm about 2 trillion KM out.
  13. thank you so much guize. Cabn i refil their little jetpacks?
  14. I noticed in many youtube videos that the kerbal;s have some sort of propulsion on them to help them move around in space. How do I use this?
  15. Thank you. As for everyone else who's mad at me for obtaining it illegally, It was the demo, and then I BOUGHT the thing, having loved it so much.
  16. Hello, I'm new here. A friend gave me a copy of this game to try, and I loved it to much that I bought it. I await to see what wonderful future updates await this awesome project!
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