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  1. Introduction Welcome to the Kerbin Aerospace Laboratories. We provide machines, equipment and personel to government organisations involved in Defence and Space projects. You can see all the latest developments below. VTOL and STOL Aircraft K-1 STOL Download The K-1 is a Short Takeoff and Landing aircraft that was developed for the Navy as a ground attack and scout aircraft that could take off from small islands. It has six engines, which means that it is quite fuel hungry and it is notoriously difficult to land. On the plus side, the cockpit can detach and has a parachute attached to it just in case something goes seriously wrong. It is also very stable in flight. K-2 STOL Download The K-2 was developed as a high-altitude fighter that could operate from short runways. Although it has a good climb rate, its ability to operate at high altitude was hampered by the verticle lift engines not being designed for such a task and the aircraft being too heavy to operate without them. K-3 VTOL "Hurrier" Download The K-3 is the only true Verticle Takeoff and Landing aircraft to have been developed by KAL. It can take off from anywhere and can land anywhere (apart from water) and its verticle lift engines can be turned off mid-flight to save on fuel. A skilled pilot can also hover the aircraft just a few meters from the ground using its two veticle lift engines. As well as the ability to take off and land verticly, it can also take off and land like a normal aircraft (though landing like this is not recommended as engine-stikes are common). The only downside of this aircraft is its inability to get to high altitudes. A number of this aircraft are on order for the Navy and the Marines.
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