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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I think, it is aesthetic reason to change (or make another) skybox. Or not?
  2. Use Universe Replacer mode http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/44135-0-21-x-Universe-Replacer-v4-0?highlight=Universe+Replacer
  3. Is here someone, who played ever COLOBOT (COLOnize with roBOTs)? There was a simple C-like (or Java-like - don't sure) language to program bots. Maybe, it is possible to do something like it in KSP...
  4. I've tried to build something like command module. It takes 4 kerbanauts on board. I use almost vanilla parts except "doors" - it's rescripted XL-solar panels (there is no Mechlib plugin for 0.20 so I use this "sliding doors" to lock the vessel). unmanned test flight - landing on South Pole Here it is... First manned flght... From the inside... Pretty scare launch(doors opened)... And... Mun!!! (oh, don't ask me how this can fly to the Mun - it's teh laggy drama on my laptop:( ) Flag planted! Preparing for deorbiting Kerbin... Heating up in the dense atmosphere... Approaching KSP... Succesful landing:D It would be nice if seats have first person look - just imagine how this journey might looks "from inside".
  5. Oh, I 'm just read - only four men! I thought - maybe ten... So, it's good for you! You did great job, indeed. How soon we can expect your open-sourced stuff ? B-sides, I think, the last paragraph of my first message is the nice scenario for promo-video for your idea.
  6. Hi there! Kethane Pack is new but very important part of the game - it makes game much more interesting (more awesome ), it gives some goal (not just "make a rocket with >9000 tanks,engines and\or place spaceship on Mun\Minmus like a monument"). Also, there is ZOxigene mod - it allow to convert light of the sun into "ZO2" for "breathing" with solar panels. Both of them are giving to the game some rudiments of infrastructure, so there is no more random landing - landing zone takes more criteria, not only the "vast(or not very "vaaaaaast" ) flat plane". The landing trajectory become more complicated, 'cause even 100 meters is a great problem( of course, if you aren't using MechJeb plugin and DO IT YOURSELF in "hand mode"). It made a sense for many mods - like Cart mode, various Engine and Parts mode - they are not more only a "playable decorations". So, I have an idea.(it is inspired by Colobot game) What, if we add more complexity? MORE complexity, using "ZOxigene","Kethane pack" and "Satellite pack" experience... Let's start from very beginning: 1. Adding new resources - there is only kethane(for fuel) - so lets it be something for life support. Maybe, in future, we will see even ores - for producing some parts for spaceship\ basecamp infrastructure. 2. Converting kethane into various fuel\"something-for-life-support" uses energy produced by solar panels/ other sources of "energy" which can be possibly added in future. I hope, it is possible to do gradation ratios of converting kethane into various resources, like "converting kethane into 1 unit RCS fuel needs 10 units of solar energy per 5 units of kethane". Also,maybe, it is possible "cross-converting" fuel to RCS fuel\"something-for-life-support"\kethane. According to p.1 - maybe in nearest future - it will be possible to make a factory in the basecamp or even on the orbit! For example, 1 RCS Fuel tank = 50 units of steel(converts from iron ore) + 200 units of RCS fuel (converts from kethane). If something-like-docking will be available - this features allows (of course, additionally using something like Robotics pack parts) to build spacecraft not only on Kerbin. For example, building spacecraft for taking in Minmus orbit needs MK1 pod part, only 3-4 RCS fuel tanks, 12 simple RCS thrusters, 4 landing legs and \life-support-tank\(if we talking about "complexity" ). If the expectations come true and all parts will take cost\amount, it will be very helpful to have this mode. Just imagine - along with medium transport shuttles a huge space tanker docking at the space station on the Minmus orbit. Near horizon of Minmus, on Minmus Flat Plain (or Minmus Sea), almost at the terminator line - Minmus base camp. His solar panel reflects last sunlight before a long minmus night comes down - and basecamp lights up with the hundred of electrical lamps, to continue mining of resources for Kerbal Space Expansion Plan. The shuttles come up and down, pumping more kethane to the tanker and life-support-components from it(also to take kerbals to\from colony) - long time without sunlight needs additional sources of life-support for kerbanauts. From basecamp space station and tanker looks like two round light spots, appearing every 5 minutes over horizon. At last kethane pumping is over and space tanker maneuvers out of station (while shuttles stay docking for safe at the station) to take trajectory to Kerbin Orbital Spacecraft Factory. Then starts a huge amount of ion engines - from Minmus it's looks like a small star - and long way back to home begins...
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