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Everything posted by nlosee18

  1. No matter what I do it wont snap. Any clues or help? I've looked everywhere for an answer.
  2. Use WASD to shift the way its pointing away from your craft
  3. I was curious on how to use these types of engines/ how best to build such a craft.
  4. nlosee18


    I've been playing KSP for about a week now. Its amazing by the way! Such a complex game But I'd like to announce that I just made my 3rd Mun Landing and 1st Return from Mun mission. Got a little clip of me dancing around my ship from the other day as well. Getting off topic here though. I just wanted to say Hi, and ask for tips on how to start to get to Minmus
  5. Thanks guys. I actually figured it out. These game is fantastic. I'm still tackling landing on the mun, while everyone else is landing on Duna
  6. Hi I'm very new to KSP, and I found the new tutorials in .17 extremely helpful. One problem though. I complete "Landing on the Mun Part 1" but it doesnt unlock part 2, and i didnt see it in the list of tutorials. So i was wondering if Part 2 even exists.
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