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Posts posted by RHodeidra

  1. Is it normal that items I place with a Kerbal Engineer, in orbit, with a tool equipped onto a craft are invisible?
    I'm trying to save a mission by placing some parachutes however, they appear in my staging list on the left, and I see a context menu with a line pointing to where I placed them, sadly no model of the chute.
    Note: It's a realChute object, one of those configurable parachutes.

  2. Hey,

    just to report that sadly I'm seeing frequent (as in almost every time) de-orbits of probe-flights.
    I've not changed anything except after I learned this COULD happen with this mod and now I'm forced to disable it every first time I fly anything during a new session.  
    It then no longer happens, and I've tested it a few times so I'm relatively sure PRE is the culprit if not part of the issue.
    Can I assist with any form of logging when it occurs to solve the issue?
    I have a huuuuuuuuuuuuge modlist;


    so I say "relatively".

  3. Hey,
    love the mod,
    is there any way the range of omnidirectional antennae could be displayed (and toggled) as a circle (disregarding LOS coverage ofc) on the map-view?  
    Ideally it would be displayed as a sphere ofc, with sections missing where LOS is obstructed.
    However, a 2D representation in a 3D space that ("simply") rotates with the viewpoint of the player,
    would be a massive improvement.
    I believe this is similar to how the cones of influence are displayed with non-omni-directional antennae.
    Also, this cone is displayed with 2 lines, but might also benefit from displaying the radius of influence as a curved line between the two end-points?

    I dnu, I'm just struggling to set up a perfect coverage network :)


  4. Hi, 
    I'd love to use this mod but I have a very extensive mod list as it is, and for some reason however much I trim your mod, or even replace whole other mods like BD Armory to accomodate yours, I get the ol' "not enough memory" access violation exception crash.  
    I've tried manually installing the latest firespitter, modulemanager and animation plugin to no avail.  
    I'll give it another whirl but this just so you might invest some thought into this matter.  
    EDIT: So I removed BD armory completely, 2-3 dozen er so parts from various mods I'd never use anyway, Stockaline Mining extentions, and still it happens.  
    Remove P+, add all of those again (and even added two more small ones) and it works fine.

  5. Hi, I'm doing a Research Bodies playthrough and I am using your mod because it and Launch Window planner,
    with their powers combined,
    makes for god-like powers of efficiency.
    However, planetary bodies not yet discovered are still shown in your list.
    Any way to hide undiscovered locations from my list of destinations?

  6. All manual installs,
    new save,
    using stock visual mods, so is very quickly reproduced by simply installing stock visual enhancements and terrain and it's prereqs, 
    and then your mod and it's prereqs. 
    I'll keep trying today, Kronkus would really put the cherry on my current planet, yeah.
    EDIT: Oh and it's nothing in the Spud folder, so I'll be deleting files from the Kronkus folder until I get it to work to narrow it down. Will Edit here again then.
    EDIT2: Can't seem to narrow it down. And the fact that NEW career saves suddenly started with fully upgraded items baffles me.

  7. Thanks,
    I'll make it work.
    OPM doesn't seem to do that anymore though, and your orbits just had very similar initial eccentricity, so I won't notice after a while.

    EDIT; it seems that your mod also somehow autoupgrades everything in career,
    and causes cloud problems on Kerbin, conflicting with Stock Visual Enhancements and/or Terrain.
    Now, I noticed this with this modlist:
    So yeah...
    BUT I swear it wasn't a problem before I installed yours :)

    EDIT 2: Y it was fixed after removing your two folders, sorry :/ 


  8. Hi, small thing I noticed you might want to know:

    When I install in this order:

    and finally OPM, all most recent versions,

    it doesn't seem to respect the ResearchBodies difficulty settings, hiding all planets regardless, so only the Mun is "discovered".
    This happens in all situations, in career and sandbox.
    Would you say this falls within the confines of your mod or should I report this elsewhere?

  9. Congrats :)

    I just did a quick test with Kornkus and Research Bodies,  
    and it seems your glorious planet is not properly hidden.
    Anything I can do about that to make them compatible?

    I also noticed, that ONLY with Kronkus installed,
    and the current 1.3.5 version of Kopernicus,
    Kerbin looks very differently on the options window.
    When I go ingame the planet looks normal though,
    however, and I didn't take a pic of this but when I also install OPM when I get back to the options window after that,
    kerbin is just a white sphere.

    And finally, notice how the 3 moons have the exact same orbit right after new game :)


    I'm gonna take a wild guess and assume this is Kopernicus related, I'm using 1.3.
    so please note that when I did tests with OPM, the same Kopernicus and Extra Solar there were no similar problems.

    Mods installed:

    planet looks great though :D
    so I'm hoping there's a quick fix for this so I can do a play-through with it

  10. Hello,
    I was wondering if you "officially" recommend planet packs and graphical updates for your mod?
    I'm mainly hoping you have a preferred planet pack.
    I'm hellbent to build a play-through on the foundation that is this mod (sandbox if that's no problem)

    Any other recommendations? STRONG recommendations :D ?  (My modlist is huge and you've not listed any strong incompatibilities)

    As a side question, I'm using Stock Visual Enhancements, Terrain and Scatter,  
    with plenty of RAM to back it up, but I' just building up my mod list atm.
    I hope this will pose no problem?

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