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Everything posted by phoenix_ca

  1. That would be a nifty tool. But until such a thing exists, you can try the guide I wrote in my sig.
  2. One of the original ideas for manned Moon missions was actually a one-stage vessel that would land the entire thing and take-off again. The reason for the Apollo program using a lander (and that lander splitting in two when it left the Moon) was that it had huge delta-v savings. Less fuel used to land means way, way less fuel required at launch. In KSP, we have the luxury of not having to care about that stuff, we can just strap even more boosters onto our rockets, efficiency be damned.
  3. That's all well and good, if you only have one vessel in-flight at any given time. As soon as a player wants to say, launch a probe and send some Kerbals to the Mun, such a system would fail spectacularly, requiring the player to be in two places at once. Which leads me back to my original conclusion. That doesn't make any sense. Is that suggesting that a person who reads a fantasy novel who doesn't believe in the existence of monsters and magic in the real world would "have a hard time" reading it? It's absurd ( level of thinking). Similarly something like quantum mechanics could be "weird" but that doesn't mean someone is going to chuck it out. I think you've conflated suspension of disbelief with something else entirely.
  4. Forestry, I think yes, at one point did do that (exploding bee hives, that really did a lot of damage to many, many servers). is one of the worse current offenders, which crashes MC if the user dares use the Tekkit launcher. When you have to scan the source code of every mod just to make sure the author isn't intentionally going to corrupt your world, the game quickly ceases to be fun.
  5. You never needed the whole NFP mod to use its parts. Now that it's broken-up it's just easier to pick and choose which parts you want.
  6. O.o I don't know what this thread is about. Pretty sure I've learned...whatever it is I'm supposed to have learned. I use LoD.
  7. Direct Current. And as for the Focus Fusion guys, the plan isn't to use heat at all, but to use the stream of charged He-4 to induce a current in a solenoid around it.
  8. Several of them hate each other, and they write their code to intentionally break people's games if their mod is installed alongside a mod from someone they hate. There's even one jerk who simply causes MC to crash on start so the user doesn't know what's wrong, and there have even been some (rare) cases where a particular user (or mod) is targeted with world-breaking code by a mod. That behaviour is just pathetic, because it punishes the user, not the person you have an issue with; it's mis-targetted rage, when a mature person wouldn't have such rage at all. That kind of environment is toxic, and makes it insufferably difficult to actually use mods, let alone administrate a server running them. So much so that it's not worth the effort, in my opinion. (Speaking from experience there.) That's pretty much why I...dislike comparisons of KSP to Minecraft. The community is wildly different in temperament.
  9. :/ Not really. You'd still have the problems like fairings and nosecones being useless (only cosmetic items, but actually bad for making something fly better) because they add more drag. And the speed of an object is tied to SoI. It has to be for things to work. o.O
  10. Same one I'm afraid. You have more "Ration"s in there that should to be "Ratio"s. You mean decreases, right? The drag coefficient tends to go up until Mach 1 (rising rapidly when it hits the drag divergence mach number), and then it falls pretty sharply.
  11. 1. I would think the whole point is that it could be done on rails. If it couldn't...there would be little point in still playing KSP. 2. I'm not sure you understand exactly what they're trying to do here. The calculations that determine the orbital properties of a vessel in KSP, and the physics engine that deals with how the ship behaves relative to itself and all its parts, are different things. As for actually sending calculations to a GPU, I'd instead ask if it's worth the time you'd have to spend on developing that. The problems associated with trying to offload calculations to a discrete GPU, and the tiny, tiny number of people who actually have multiple discrete GPUs make it, typically, a worthless endeavour.
  12. Those are good ideas. I rather like the one on the right. For colour-blind support, one colour for all resources wouldn't do it. Ideally you'd have a choice of about three colours to use, one for each primary type. More ideally, just grab the colour from a user-editable text file in some format like nodes we have now, or XML, or JSON, etc., so that colour-blind support would be as easy as creating a new colour profile for all colours in SCANsat. I'd happily volunteer making such configs if you need them.
  13. I don't actually understand what you're asking. Still, a good replacement for the resource panel is Alternate Resource Panel. You'll probably be satisfied with that.
  14. The only mod I know of where this matters is KSP Interstellar, and even then it only matters on the active vessel for receiving power, not transmitting or relaying.
  15. You didn't fix all your typos! I'm a sad, sad panda now.
  16. This is fine. I approve. Just as long as the addon community here doesn't become as vindictive and cruel to each other as the Minecraft modding...mess (I hesitate to call it a "community"; there's almost nothing communal about it).
  17. They've put too much money in to stop now. It'd be like building the LHC and then before switching it on say "meh, someone in some other country built a completely different collider, but hey, it's a collider too, we don't need this one".
  18. People complaining about ion drives being unrealistic are referring to their thrust. I think these people are masochists, because if they were realistic, any significant burn (like say, changing orbital inclination by a degree) would take a loooooooooooong time. Like set ship to burn, get a coffee, make supper, watch a TV show, go out clubbing, come back and it's half-done kind of loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong. Tangent rant time: And forget about MechJeb. That's "unrealistic" too. So best just sit there staring at KSP while the ion engine puts out a tiny amount of thrust for hours. That's fun right? (Seriously, even NASA, the ESA, CNSA, and RFSA could at least set any ion-engine probes they had on autopilot and go get themselves a coffee, maybe even have a nap.) So, I conclude that people complaining about ion drive realism must be masochists.
  19. It all depends on when you leave and how much you accelerate. http://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/
  20. Regex is completely right. It is absolutely cheating. You are a horrible human being worse than Stalin if you use MechJeb. For shame. See this thread. It explains how horrible cheating is: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79629-Is-it-cheating It's a singleplayer game and your choice to use MechJeb in your own game obviously affects us all. You monster.
  21. Exactly. Unless I'm mistaken, the strength of a magnetic field caused by an electric current is related to the amperage, not the voltage, of the current. Electrical engineers, time to give me a good talking to if I'm wrong. That information is in the journal article they published, in a peer reviewed journal.
  22. part.cfg from solarPanels1 (squad) MODULE { name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel animationName = solarpanels resourceName = ElectricCharge [b][size=6]chargeRate = 2[/size][/b] powerCurve { key = 206000000000 0 0 0 key = 13599840256 1 0 0 key = 68773560320 0.5 0 0 key = 0 10 0 0 } }
  23. That's a stock mechanic. I'm pretty sure that the max output is the output value specified in the solar panel's part.cfg.
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