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space guy1

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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Thanks but I found the mod. Its the KW pack. The RCS I was looking for is the ones that look kinda like the hull of an airboat, you know, the ones that have a giant fan and are used in swamps and stuff. (I thought I put that little bit of info in the first post but... anyways doesnt matter now.)
  2. A little while ago I had a mod that had more streamlined (and IIRC more powerful) RCS thrusters. I accidentally deleted the mod and now I cant find it, and I could really use those RCS thrusters. Does anyone know What the name on the mod is or have a link to the download thread?
  3. mine too, they\'ve also been nearly entirely impossible to control while flying in the atmosphere, no matter how many RCS thrusters I add.
  4. Is it just me or do large ships wobble a lot in the atmosphere? If its not me, Is there any way to fix it? A picture of my rocket or .craft file is available upon request.
  5. in the next edition could you add a 2 meter decoupler and engine? and maybe a set of 3 meter parts (adapter, fuel tank or 2, & engine, maybe sas) for those really big engines. the 3 meter stuff can wait but I\'m really disappointed that there\'s no 2 meter engine or decoupler. other than that, though, great job it looks excellent.
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