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Posts posted by Aardvark

  1. My Kerbal Space Program cover of David Bowie's "Space Oddity".
    Backing track by Karaoke Clips (miscredited as Medio Tono Abajo due to my non-existent Spanish)
    Stylophone by me
    Mxing and effects in Audacity
    Graphics in a heavily modified Kerbal Space Program

    Abreviated Credits:
    Words and Music -- David Bowie
    Performed by -- Ziggy Kerman and the Spiders from Duna
    Major Tom -- DavidJones Kerman

  2. I'm having a weird experience. The original four Kerbals suits always revert to the default after a flight. I can get them to wear the vintage suits if I change them in the Astronaut Complex, and the first one who flies will be wearing that suit, but if I remove focus from his/her flight (by going to the tracking station, for example), when I return the suit has gone back to the default.

  3. I'm having a weird problem. I'm using the outer-planets mod, and one of them (Sarnus) starts out as discovered, even though I've set the difficulty on the mod to high. I edit the save file to make it undiscovered, before even entering the tracking station, and find that as soon as I enter the tracking station it shows up, and furthermore updates the persistent save file to show it as discovered. In the distant past, i had that oddity with Sarnus starting out discovered, but was able to fix it via a save file edit.

  4. I saw the SLS parts, those things are huge. The problem is, they are so huge that it would be impractical to launch them into space. Asparagus remains.

    Asparagus staging is actually based off real plans for efficient rockets made by SpaceX. It's not impossible, just easier said than done.

    Tsiolkovsky had something very similar in the '20s.

  5. I use quicksave and restore all the time when "biome farming" around Kerbal, Mun, or Minmus. When I'm performing EVAs, or Gravoli experiments. I could run without time acceleration, and take measurements each time I get to a new biome, but it gets very boring. Instead, what I do is quicksave every 10 degrees or so of orbit, and use x10 or even x50 time acceleration. If I see a new biome, and I don't have time to stop acceleration before I fly past (happens all the time on Mun with the Midland/Highland craters), I just F9 and replay those few degrees of orbiting without acceleration.

  6. Hey guys, I thought I'd share this, been watching this game for a little while now and their kickstarter just went up, and as I think we can all agree, more space games the better.


    go check it out, and donate if you want to see this made as much as I do :)

    It'll be the closest thing to BARIS as we'll see for a while I think.

    Actually Matrix games is working on a remake of BARIS. They will be demoing it this weekend at Historicon, with guest Buzz Aldrin. It will be in beta fairly soon.

  7. What I've done, for Minimus at least, is mount two sets of landing legs on my lander -- one at the usual place, and then one just below the capsule. I extend the lower set for landing. If I tip over, I retract that set, then extend the upper set. This gives me about a 20 degree angle, which is enough to take off safely with.

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