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Everything posted by thetunnelrat

  1. I'm running a server with my friend and whoever is the second person into the VAB cannot build anything nor can they exit the VAB. The only way to get out is to exit the game. Any ideas?
  2. Is anyone else having an issue where they cannot control ships with B9 Parts? I had the pack installed and could not control anything with a B9 cockpit, but my other craft worked just fine.
  3. Do i need a fresh install of KSP to use this? I just added it to my game with B9 and the parts aren't showing up. i am in tier 6 of the tree.
  4. Currently on the desktop, ill try the documents folder. Thanks
  5. I have .21.1 installed with MechJeb2, ISA MapSat Dev Build, ORDA, and NovaPunch 2. The game will be running fine then sometimes when I Revert to Assembly Building the game freezes up and then comes back with an error message stating that the parts can no longer be found. This includes the stock parts. Is anyone else having this issue? The only solution is to fresh install and put the mods back in. It is also worth noting that this seems to happen randomly.
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