I have a serious computer. I use pre/superftch to take the slump out of hardened paging sectors. and still have issues. It takes about 5 10 sec to get the green for blastoff, or as i have come to know it "the green for kerbal death" . but the load time is unavoidable, it is not a Dev thing or an Optimization thing, when you load the game the system is undertaking SERIOUS physics computation and calculation. That being said we must think of this more as a sim as i'm sure all of you do. Hell i'm eatin toothpaste and sleeping in a bag on my wall since i got this game I also have a 2 core intel Hewlett with good specs. needless to say, my laptop would be preforming EVA out my window if I tried to play ksp on it. I guess if I get a better got one I could play on both, its kinda silly though unless your only option is to play on a laptop I would avoid it. There not designed to do the same stuff as desktops..... Ut res coniecto i think laptops are ok for some games unless u have a really expensive one. soooooo after all that noise.... desktop!!! post script: one other thing, to all you sluggers with the alienware laptops. oh and i'm not knocking the guys who play KSP on expensive laptops fer school or cad or just to pass time, I play BF3 and I'm... well I'm just Super at it, I run 8 Liquid Cooled Cores in HOTROG config on a Crosshair Formula V pushed over to (4.8 GHz), 16G Gskill ram a 320 Intel solid state nd a 2GB 6970 XFX. Playing BF3 is like watching glass flow at 165 FPS down my screen. Although the sound of my voice when I say all that gives me a smile, and looking into my PC case is like staring into a shimmering jet engine. ANYTHING OVER 50 FPS CANNOT BE DETECTED BY THE HUMAN EYE and at 80 fps the mouse smoothing affect as a result of device/display latency sync is negligible after that point IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE and I do not care if your computer runs on unicorn wishes and rainbows you can play all day on ultra high and dollars to pesos you will SUCKKK the day you can fit the rec spec for BF3 in a laptop is the day we no longer need the conventional "desktop" and we got a ways to go before that.... I hope... thank yall very much for listening to my pointless rant. oh and im srry if that was off topic its my first post and im tired (climbs into sleeping bag)