I know multiplayer is taken down when requested, so my attempt to create a multilpayer mod has been a succes. It's not complete. It has many bugs and errors, but I try the get rid of them. The first succes connection was 12.7.2013, so it was yesterday. I made it possible to communicate with other programs such as direct connect from Unity :3. (for modding). The mod works between internet, but is better in Lan, cause all the bugs and communication speed. I've tryed it with my friend via internet, but the delay was a bit too long to enjoy the game. Small groups are good for this mod. It starts to lag when about 12 players are connected to the same server. The mod works by spawning the craft which the player is controlling to the host's world. I think I will release the mod in the next 1-2 months. And if you know how to launch the mod from the start page, it would be nice you to tell it . Now it's a Part Module script so it's attached to a part . Here's a picture of the first connection . -Petumies