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Everything posted by Stengahpolis

  1. As I said: You need to type the name of the program that's actually there. i.e. isa_mapgen The path should be [KSP path]\PluginData\isa_mapsat\ If you don't have a [planet]_elevation.csv file in there, it won't work since the program uses that file to generate the images. The elevation.csv files are created by mapping a planet ingame with the mapsat part. As long as the .csv is in the same folder as the .exe it'll generate the images, but you'l need to make sure the path to the plugin data is correct in order to get it to work with the part.
  2. If you've got the command line open you're there. Type "isa_mapgen" followed by any argument(s) you want. Here's the list, copied from the OP: The "texture" or "texture polar" arguments will produce the map image seen ingame on the mapsat ui. Using any of the others will create a new image in the mapsat folder. I Just now noticed the example in the OP is from an old version. isa_RAM_MapGen.exe no longer exists. Typing that will of course do nothing, although it should give an erorr.
  3. A kerbal hotdrop would be pretty hilarious to see. Actually I think it'd go more like this: Fredfel - "Cyno's up" Jeb - "Bridge is up. Everybody jump through." Bill, Bob, and everyone else - "OMG he jumped." *freak out* Jeb - *Blap* *Blap* *Blap* Jeb - "Hey, where are you guys?" I just realized -- Jeb is Elo Knight.
  4. With Vista or 7 you can shift+right click in the folder and select "Open Command Window Here"
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