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Bottle Rocketeer
Thanks people
Hello! There is a "physx>cpu" written on the top of my screen when my game is loading and during gameplay, basically it is there all the time. How to turn of this sign and can I make it physx>gpu? This is present in both 32bit and 64bit versions. Tnx https://www.dropbox.com/s/3i0ad97f9ehhf5f/ksp.JPG?dl=0
This would be minor feature but it would help little bit with game immersion. When you look at real rocket launch videos you would notice rocket exhaust gets wider and wider with the altitude increase/air pressure decrease. In this video you can see how exhaust gets wider at about 2 minutes
Squadcast Summary 2015-03-13 - The Friday the 13th Edition
zoranbrasnjo replied to Renegrade's topic in KSP1 Discussion
not cool, I am angry -
Hvala, onaj novi offset&rotation feature radi ÄÂuda. Sad mogu napokon napravit neÅ¡to Å¡ta izgleda zanimljivo, nevolim kad su mi ružne i visoke letjelice. U ovom sluÄÂaju imam 2 kapsule u jednoj letjelici, radi XP-a kerbalaca, povedem nekoga ÄÂisto da stavi zastavu i odradi neki science da dobije xp, uvijek je dobra stvar povest nekoga sa sobom (Y). InaÄÂe igram flight simulatore ali ni jedan nema opciju da možeÅ¡ izgradit vlastitu letjelicu ili modificirat postojeću, osim x-plane ali on je prekomliciran, nema neko user friendly suÄÂelje za te stvari.Kad se pojavio KSP jednostavno sam bio oduÅ¡evljen, možeÅ¡ radit svoje rakete i letjelice i joÅ¡ možeÅ¡ ić na druge planete, Å¡to sam jedino mogao u Orbiteru. Neznam jel znate za Orbiter , to je baÅ¡ simulacija i dosta je teÅ¡ka ali imaju miljon addonova pa se može dobro vizualno urediti, rade na novoj verziji za 2015.
naravno, ovako je lakÅ¡e! samo da spomenem BTSM mod u prethodnim komentarima, mislim da je to stvarno dobra ideja jer prvi put kad sam poÄÂeo igrati karijeru bilo mi je malo glupo Å¡ta poÄÂinjeÅ¡ sa kapsulom i posadom, prvi letovi u stvarnosti nisu bili sa posadom, znam da squad želi da sve bude zabavnije nego realistiÄÂnije ali u ovom sluÄÂaju mi jezabavnije da nema posade u poÄÂetku. Ili da ubace neke "chrash test dummies" umjesto kerbalaca, kad sam već kod toga volio bi da ubace u unutarnje prostore "pressurization" opciju, tlak u kabini, kisik...
http://imgur.com/qvIYwWp Evo jedna sa trenutne 0.90 verzije, iz karijere. Mun i Minmus sam dobro savladao ali nisam iÅ¡ao dalje od njih, ÄÂekaju me 2 velike misije na Dunu pa mi se neda sad igrat, jer treba baÅ¡ sve dobro isplanirat. InaÄÂe gledam videa KSP od Scot Manley-a na youtube , on mi je jedan od najboljih.
Pozdrav svima, pozdrav iz hrvatske, tek sad vidim ovaj thread , igram ksp već 2 godine otprilike ali nisam ÄÂesto na forumu Jedva ÄÂekam novi update sa novom aerodinamikom, volio bi da ubace bolja vizualna oÅ¡tećenja iako je ovo ok Å¡ta su već napravili
Thanks guys, you made my life easier, it works!
thanks, I will try it, well I started from scratch with new spacecraft and new program and it works so far, but still my zsat is cursed
HI Everyone, This is awesome addon, I would appreciate any help if someone could help, I was trying to programe my z map satelite launch, and after few lines of code my KSP always freeze, becomes non responive program, when I run my program, it becomes very frustrating becouse I have to start KSP all over again and it takes 5 min every time to load game(becouse I have lot of addons...). Have I done something wrong with my coding or is it something else? this is my coding: print "THIS IS LAUNCH PROGRAMMING FOR Z MAP SATELITE SPACECRAFT". WAIT 3. LOCK STEERING TO UP + R(0,0,180). PRINT "SETTING MAIN ENGINE TO MAX". WAIT 1. LOCK THROTTLE TO 1. WAIT 1. PRINT "LIFTOFF IN 5". WAIT 1. PRINT "-----------4". WAIT 1. PRINT "-----------3". WAIT 1. STAGE. PRINT "-----------2 MAIN ENGINE ON". WAIT 1. PRINT "-----------1". WAIT 1. STAGE. PRINT "--------LIFTOFF-----". WAIT 3. PRINT "ROLL PROGRAM". WAIT 1. LOCK STEERING TO UP + R(0,0,90). WAIT 1. LOCK THROTTLE TO 0.7. WAIT 1. PRINT "CHECK ROLL PROGRAM COMPETE". WAIT 15. PRINT "MUST MANUALY STAGE SRBS". WAIT 15. there was more code but I deleted it and I try to run it like this and game freezes again when I run program? anyone , help??? p.s. it was working previously, this is 5 times in row I got KSP(non responding), I did not change game in any way from previous attempts to run programs.
Question about Hitchhiker internal space
zoranbrasnjo replied to zoranbrasnjo's topic in KSP1 Discussion
exactly, me to, internal spaces makes it more real or something, can't wait -
Question about Hitchhiker internal space
zoranbrasnjo replied to zoranbrasnjo's topic in KSP1 Discussion
Was it the last stream? -
Question about Hitchhiker internal space
zoranbrasnjo replied to zoranbrasnjo's topic in KSP1 Discussion
It is funny because I just discovered it few minutes ago when I was getting kerbals to my station in orbit, the station was there for weeks empty... I was dissapointed -
What happened to PPD-10 Hitchhiker Storage Container internal space, why is there no internal space in current version. There was very pretty picture of it on KSP Weekly 19MAR2013 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/content.php/150-KSP-Weekly-News-from-Mission-Control Is ti coming in next update, anyone?