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Everything posted by nothke

  1. Woops, this is a mistake on my part. I modified this part near publishing and I forgot to test it out. I forgot to add colliders. Will be fixed in the next build =) EDIT: just noticed that the stadium also has no collisions. =( This made my day xD if you'd read the warning signs..
  2. are there any active servers currently with more than 1 players?
  3. I never really liked the name, 1st the true meaning was too complicated, 2nd it starts with KAS as you said, 3rd sounds like Casper the friendly ghost, 4th it finishes with R which stands for "Rack" and some people said Kaspar rack, therefore "..rack rack". I needed something more simple and solving other problems. I was about to leave the project entirely just cause I couldn't find the right name xD then I said, something reaaaally simple, almost stupid and it'll work.
  4. Yes it is possible and it is planned.
  5. I was trying some time ago to make realistic chute fluttering animations, also opening that looks like actually blowing air inside and not just scaling up. The problem was making the anim loop, for which I needed more time. If I manage to find some time (which I doubt I will soon) I might go back and experiment a bit more. IF I do (ever), maybe you could help me implement those into the game =)
  6. Cool! I tried a few times and once I made it with Firespitter Mustang (the best plane to fly around KC), but I clipped the rudder. I don't think I managed to land after that =(
  7. not sure you're going to spot the city at that speed xD
  8. I did, the models are good, but they have huge not efficient textures. I will PM you on that to correct it for next build.
  9. Build 2, NOW OUT! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/47666-Kerbin-City-Build-2-Now-out%21
  10. ..Just waiting for my newspapers to arrive =) I'm already focusing on other projects.
  11. No, no time to do that. I guess someone will make it instead =) I am planning to do trailers however in later builds.
  12. Actually this is the reason I named it that way http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dromomania On the other hand Damned Robotics is the original mod, therefore respect =)
  13. OOOH YES IT DOES!!! You still need to MOVE the weight, lots of inertia there.. If you have a long arm + big weight on the end = lotsa wobble
  14. When I saw KJR I thought it is exactly the thing I was waiting for for arms. If it could be combined somehow that would be perfect. But this doesn't mean I'll stop making parts =) I look at wobble as a separate problem.
  15. hmm, then nothing yet, but KJR would be immensely useful on the parts.
  16. Not before Kerbin City build 2 is out. I do plan to make just a few other parts like hinges, and see how Kerbal Joint Reinforcement mod could help prevent the wobble.
  17. Kerbin City build 2 is officially completed! =) ..Now the paperwork.. ..literally. You can expect it very very soon! Thank you! And lol, that Kerbal animation out of nowhere.. xD khm khm, wrong project =P
  18. Sure, I'll contact you in person. lol great ideas.. Except.. bridges lead to nowhere? I think most of the roads in general lead to nowhere xD Someone definitely has to make a game store.
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