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Everything posted by nothke

  1. Short answer: NO! Longer answer: On the contrary! Even longer: I've hinted something recently on Reddit. A big reveal is coming =)
  2. Hmm.. I'll take that as a compliment xD Hello people! I am back from real life troubles, and I'm back officially as a software engineering student! So it's time to go through previous pages and see whats going on in detail. =) I've received a lot of PM's too that I overlooked, sorry about that, I will check them now.
  3. LOL!! Read the top comment of the video! xD About the failures, you have to realize that spacecraft are much more complicated systems than cars xD Lot more systems, lot more things that could go wrong.. It's really strange when you hear causes of failure like "sensors were placed up-side down" (like on recent Proton GLONASS crash), or "the software had a wrong date" (like on the Cygnus orbital maneuvers these days), you get struck by the fact that these sound like simple things, but actually are easily overlooked in such a huge and complicated systems. Now both the Shuttle and Soyuz had a benefit of being experienced (lets not use the word "old"), so the most common failures were getting known and checks were improved over time. The inspection after Challenger said there was a 1 in 9 chance of total failure, it was pure luck for the STS to last 25 missions. On the other hand, the foam tearing off the orange tank of the Shuttle was a well known thing but NASA did the "lets cross our fingers and pray", until Columbia happened. And you need to know that there is still a lot of "lets cross our fingers and pray" moments in any launch. But Soyuz is a much more robust and reliable design and even some systems failures are not as deadly as the Shuttle. That's generally how Russians do it xD In my opinion Soyuz robust design should be improved and not made into some new Apollo like craft as Russians are proposing (but I highly doubt it will happen). Well if you just look at any launch vehicle history you can see that most beginnings were failures. Just like in KSP xD
  4. Make sure that you are not having 2 materials on one mesh. I heard that blender sometimes makes hidden material ID's. Select the mesh in Unity and check the material component, if there are more than one, erase one or just drag and drop a material from assets to the mesh in the scene.
  5. Interesting mod, I would just add a little reality enhancement, that very little impacts happen on the retrograde side (except those mm that are near their eliptical orbit's periapsis so they have enough speed to produce impacts) and most frequent come from the prograde. So I think that you should adjust frequency according to this I agree general frequency needs to be drastically lowered and i would add damage too, but very rare like there is a 1/100 chance that impact destroys a part that it hits, so that it really is a surprise, but enough that it gives you an idea that space is not the safest place and that there is always a chance for something to go wrong.
  6. Wow!! This looks cool! Moar pictures!! btw, today I was just testing my upcoming mods.
  7. There are these velcro-strapable toolboxes I still haven't published (also bundles of 02 bottles)
  8. I don't know if it's possible or not, but my common sense is telling me that the passive consumption (while not being focused on the ship, or during high time warp), should be done in a way that on exiting from ship (or going into high warp), you mark the universal time and save the consumption speed, and then according to them, when you get back to the ship (or exit timewarp), the game calculates how much resources is left. This could be step one into improving the system (if it is possible). A next step would be running this continuously (not just on load) for ALL ships in the background. Also, a quick UI suggestion (although I have many of them) - remove the big text message "BLABLA KERMAN IS ABOUT TO DIE" (not sic), it really gets annoying after some time. instead of that it would be nice to have a red blinking LS button and then when you open it then you should see what's going on.
  9. Wow, this is going to be huge!!! You could combine some quests with our Kerbin City or make an expansion pack happening in Kerbin City =) I can also help with texturing (or modeling, but I see you lack more texturers), you can see my previous works (including Kerbin City or Dromoman) or the stuff from here: http://nothkemods.wordpress.com/ I used to do very realistic stuff, but since I started doing KSP I am learning more cartoonish-high tech KSP style. I am also (in this very moment) working on the spinoff of my KASPAR racks with an R&D twist to it. I intend it for the R&D functionality of upcoming 0.22, but it sounds like something that could fit very well in KerbolQuest
  10. Ahaha lol. This was such a stupid mistake. When I watched the introduction videos I missed the beginning where you actually write like "edit program1", so I didn't know that the "console" and "edit script" windows are actually 2 different things xD ok... and I didn't see this mentioned in the readme. OK now, I don't get this.. I am trying to make my space station always face UP and if I make a program with "lock steering to UP." the station starts constantly spinning indefinitely.. Adding R(...) or V(0,1,0) doesn't do anything either... also, is there a way to check if SAS or RCS are on?
  11. Do the containers have an opening animation while you check their contents? Is it possible to implement that? I'd like to make a lid opening anim on KASPAR.
  12. I don't understand.. Whenever I press enter the program runs.. How do I go to a new line without running the program?? The readme doesn't mention anything about it. (or am I just stupid?)
  13. I used to create sand dunes for a track in rFactor game to simulate Dakar-like rally. It's actually quite easy to model the dunes by hand. it's hard to proceduralize them cause you need to be careful about vertexes and normals and move them horizontally too to get the curves, however I will be working in the future on a procedural dune system =)
  14. EPIC! Btw, this looks like something that was initially made for Kerbin City! =) http://www.wired.com/autopia/2013/09/hyperloop-station/?mbid=social11769054
  15. or this: http://www.kerbalmaps.com/ turn on the "slope" layer, the more blue the flatter
  16. lol, I've seen the beginning of the discussion a week ago, and the end now, and it's all about timewarp xD The only thing I'd like multiplayer for, and for what I think it is only useful, is the same thing as seen in the first video. Being able to build a base/station together, formation fly, drive around/roleplay in Kerbin City perhaps, all in a physical range.. If you want to have one player around Jool and one around Kerbin communicate is what you already have now through Kerbal Livefeed.
  17. I think so. If it does we will have an optimization phase in the end.
  18. If I decided to abandon the project, that would certainly not be before I set up all the streets and plots on all the islands. Everything else is mainly community's decision. And not "every awesome project" dies on the internet "ever" xD
  19. Hello people, I've gotta say that, unfortunately for the project, but fortunately for me, real life kicked in and I have to postpone build 2 and my work on the project for a few days, (hopefully). Olympic1 and Cooly568 can still manage the project. For the time being I will visit the forum from time to time, but know that I won't be 100% active in the coming days. The project isn't dead or anything big, but just so you know why the project is going slower than expected, from my side. And also that I can say it officially and not drag myself around thinking I am doing a lot when actually it doesn't work just investing 10% of the effort. You can continue making models of course, and the next time I'm "back on track" I will assemble build 2.
  20. Yeah, I designed a ship whose nose I used to knock off the clampotrons xD It was a disaster of course.. It was very very hard to knock it off without destroying both ships xD
  21. That's a very nice EVA tools list, but you have forgot the most important tool. HAMMER!!! Having problems with docking ports that won't undock? Why not destroy the docking port with a hammer? Destroy a SINGLE part without needing to destroy entire ships? There's a solution.. I have wanted this thing SOOOOO MUCH so many times!!!! Oh, and I put a creative licence on this idea, cause I think someone will make it happen before me =) (khm khm, those small KASPAR toolbags, what do you think they are supposed to contain?) (and you didn't answer my question)
  22. Olympic1 and Cooly568 are now, beside me, administrators of the progress spreadsheet, and with it, helping the organization. Just so you know, and to make it official =) I will redirect all progress to the spreadsheet now.
  23. Preliminary WIP spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aq-Kp1pObiWgdEVRSG54eHFtS2NKWFoyZHJranFub1E&usp=sharing If I forgot someone or something, you can right click on the cell and insert a comment. (If it doesn't work you can write here on the forum). This will be the main place of progress, status and "who's doing what", from now on!
  24. OK guys, I see a lot of good previews, but you, phase A developers, should really start sending me your models, at least test models. We should get going with filling up the Eastern island, cause it's getting slower. In other words, you have 48 hours (2 days) to send me your models, when I will start packing build 2! As for organization, I am just making a spreadsheet to solve all the little nuances. News: Mr.Desmond Tiny is leaving the project because his school started. So his plot is probably free until I confirm that (waiting for a reply if he made any models so far)
  25. Hay guys, I've just seen the containers you are making and they look pretty similar to my KASPARs, I also had an idea for container inventory similar to yours'. If you want we can combine the mods cause I don't really know when will I be updating KASPAR (working on Kerbin City project right now), and cause it's silly to have 2 similar mods. I hope you have a modular system that can fit into 2m or 3m hulls so maybe I can develop the storage bays, and also small toolbags I was previewing on the KASPAR page.
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